
Ted Cruz Managed to Win One Brooklyn Precinct By Getting Just a Single Vote

Andy Cush · 04/21/16 08:10AM

Poor, sweet, sagging Ted Cruz. The man who can barely get members of his own party to listen to him when he speaks in New York got thoroughly trounced by Donald Trump and John Kasich on Tuesday. Cruz’s showing was so bad in one part of Brooklyn that he only netted one single vote. Oh, wait—hold on just a second—it looks like Cruz actually won that precinct.

Hillary Clinton Just Won New York

Ashley Feinberg · 04/19/16 08:44PM

After nearly a month of losses, Hillary Clinton can finally claim another victory, this time in her home state of New York.

The Gawker Endorsement: None of Them

Alex Pareene · 04/19/16 09:36AM

For the first time in the modern primary era, the New York presidential primary election, happening today, is actually important in the races for both the Republican and Democratic nominations. For the conscientious citizen, this is lousy news. You can no longer engage in the beloved New York tradition of just writing in Howard Stern, confident that your vote wouldn’t have mattered anyway.