[There was a video here]

An ecstatic Hillary Clinton took to the stage tonight after scoring a major victory in her home state. And judging by her victory speech, the former Secretary of State finally feels comfortable publicly declaring that her nomination is as good as cinched.

Hillary spoke in terms that more or less totally discounted the possibility of a loss, assuring Bernie supporters that “there is much more that unites us than divides us.” And to prove it, she spent the majority of the speech looking hard towards the general election, at one point growling the names Trump and Cruz as the crowd booed on command.

It was certainly one of Clinton’s livelier primary night speeches thus far, despite the continued absence of a certain beloved sticker enthusiast. And then, of course, there was this.

Which, while an odd choice of words, is still infinitely wiser than what Ted Cruz decided to go with earlier tonight.

I would apologize for any visuals and ensuing nightmares you might suffer from the Vine above, but I’m not sorry. We probably deserve this.