
The NSA Hacked the Email of the President of Mexico

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 10/20/13 12:25PM

The United States has always liked to keep a close eye on its neighbor to the south, making sure that things stay pretty comfortable for U.S. interests. But while former Mexican President Felipe Calderon enjoyed an especially close relationship to the United States, it wasn't enough to stop the NSA from hacking his email account and spying on his whole administration.

Edward Snowden Says Russia and China Did Not Access Secret Files

Taylor Berman · 10/18/13 08:42AM

In an interview with the New York Times, Edward Snowden said Russian and Chinese officials did not have access to the classified documents he took while working as an NSA contractor. The files were never taken to Russia, Snowden said, because “because it wouldn’t serve the public interest;” instead, Snowden said he gave all copies of the files to the journalists that met him in Hong Kong.

Edward Snowden Grocery Shops In Russia, May Get a Job In Journalism

Adrian Chen · 10/07/13 10:23AM

Edward Snowden, living in Russia, must eat. Here he is grocery shopping like a normal person. Strange, since his lawyer had told Fox News that he walks around in disguise, but it seems like he could actually wearing the very same blue shirt he appeared in in that youTube video. Not much of a disguise, unless it's an Edward Snowden costume.

The Government's Security-Check Provider "Flushed" Files to Get Paid

Tom Scocca · 09/27/13 03:58PM

Remember when Al Gore and the Clinton Administration made everyone happy by "reinventing government" back in the '90s, on the principle that government functions would be more efficient if a third-party private intermediary were taking profits on them, because the invisible hand of the free market will always produce optimal results? The New York Times has an update on the operations of USIS, the company born in 1996 with the privatization of the Office of Personnel Management's investigative operations.

Putin and Obama Awkwardly Shake Hands in Russia

J.K. Trotter · 09/05/13 09:37AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin shook hands (and smiled) with President Obama on Thursday morning at the 2013 G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, where leaders of major countries were ostensibly meeting to discuss the stability of the global economy. The tense handshake — a controversial trope during Obama’s previous visits to Russia — underscored Putin’s interference with American foreign policy. Up until yesterday, Russia supplied arms to the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, and Putin has helped stanch a United Nations resolution to sanction military intervention in Syria, while demanding that such a resolution pass before Russia would support a U.S.-led strike.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/04/13 10:45PM

"Well, it's clear we will not give him up, he can feel safe here. But what's next?" Vladmir Putin said this week about Edward Snowden in an interview G20 summit. The seating order for the G20 summit, which begins tomorrow, has been changed to keep Obama and Putin from having to acknowledge one another.

Max Read · 09/04/13 08:07AM

"You know, I sometimes thought about him, he is a strange guy[...] How is he going to build his life? In effect, he condemned himself to a rather difficult life. I do not have the faintest idea about what he will do next" — Russian President Vladimir Putin on NSA leaker Edward Snowden