
Glenn Greenwald: I Defend Snowden 'Like People on MSNBC Defend Obama'

Cord Jefferson · 12/26/13 07:49PM

Glenn Greenwald, who famously worked with Edward Snowden this year to publicize the NSA's massive surveillance program, today rejected the idea that his role in the Snowden affair has gone from journalist to cheerleader, calling that criticism "ludicrous" and questioning his MSNBC interviewer's own partisanship.

Adam Weinstein · 12/18/13 11:49AM

"Edward Snowden doesn't show up once in Google's list of top 2013 searches." Guess he wasn't important then. Back to your Harlem Shake videos, America.

Adam Weinstein · 12/09/13 03:22PM

The Guardian has voted Edward Snowden its person of the year, beating out Pope Francis. Meanwhile, Snowden's ex-colleagues have the sads a lot more these days. But one look at your email will probably cheer them up.

NSA and CIA Agents Infiltrated World of Warcraft, Other Online Games

Taylor Berman · 12/09/13 07:59AM

Ostensibly concerned that terrorists would disguise themselves as gamers in order to secretly communicate, agents from the NSA, CIA, Pentagon and Britain's GCHQ have posed undercover in online realms like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Xbox Live. In fact, the practice grew so popular with the spy agencies that a special "deconfliction" group was established to prevent the agents from inadvertently spying on or trying to recruit each other.

The NSA is Not Happy With Barack Obama

Jordan Sargent · 12/08/13 04:01PM

Now that NSA are the dirtiest three letters in Washington, it appears to be a much less fun place to work than before Edward Snowden detailed exactly the extent to which our communication devices are the agency's playground. According to a new report in the Washington Post, morale is down at the NSA, and its employees are angry at President Obama for not providing a pick-me-up.

Famous Data Leaker Hired to Work Around Russian Web Data

Cord Jefferson · 10/31/13 06:32PM

The saga of the globetrotting NSA leaker continues. Despite being the most famous data leaker in the entire world right now, American fugitive Edward Snowden has been hired to help maintain a Russian web company. We suppose everyone deserves a second chance.