
Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/13 11:23AM

The state of Delaware is mailing application info and fee waivers for elite colleges to every single poor high school senior with good grades in the state. Social engineering at its finest.

Cord Jefferson · 09/19/13 10:59AM

"When Marguerite Roza, the author of Educational Economics, analyzed the finances of one public high school ... she and her colleagues found that the school was spending $328 a student for math instruction and more than four times that much for cheerleading—$1,348 a cheerleader."

Back To School: How To Delicately Deal With Bad Teachers

Ken Layne · 09/11/13 05:30PM

Did you recently send your younglings off to school? Congratulations on another milestone on the road to college debt! But during these first weeks of the new school year, you may have to answer a few uncomfortable questions about the various teachers, administrators, "lunch ladies," or P.E. instructors who did something idiotic or insane, already.

Cord Jefferson · 09/11/13 09:31AM

Baltimore County Public Schools are closing early today because it is too hot outside and many of the schools in the district are not air conditioned. We should probably be investing in climate-controlling classrooms so kids aren't missing out on school because it's too hot.

Autistic Student Offered $86,000 to Leave California Public School

Lacey Donohue · 09/05/13 07:42PM

Heather Houston, mother of 21-year-old autistic, diabetic, and mute David Swanson, has been offered $86,000 from Northern California public school officials to move her son into a private school and to settle past and future complaints against the Yuba City Unified School District and the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools. The offer comes two weeks after Swanson was turned away from school on the first day of classes.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/13 08:05AM

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is spending $60,000 to equip classrooms with bulletproof whiteboards that "can be used as a personal shield for professors under attack." Apply to UMES now.

J-School Teachers Are Wrong About J-School

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 09:56AM

In a new survey from Poynter, 57% of actual media professionals say that a journalism school degree is very or extremely important for "understanding the values of journalism." But 96% of J-school teachers say that it is. This is all you need to know about J-school.

One in Five People Can't Repay Their Federal Student Loans

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 11:30AM

In 2010, the federal government stopped guaranteeing private student loans and started issuing student loans directly. This policy change was designed to, in some way, help alleviate the student loan crisis. How's that going?

University of Iowa Named America's Top College for Getting Bombed

Cord Jefferson · 08/05/13 03:45PM

One of America's strangest educational rituals—assessing which of our nation's fucked-up college students get the most fucked up—is upon us again. And this year, Iowa City's University of Iowa has been picked by the Princeton Review as the drunkest and raging-est institute of higher learning the United States has to offer. Congratulations, U of I! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

How to Teach Your Kids About Money

Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/13 11:49AM

The youth of America are plagued by shocking financial illiteracy. Most can't balance a checkbook, much less invest wisely. With our apologies to the Wall Street Journal, we present to you a realistic plan for teaching your kids about money matters.

Why Does It Cost Almost $600 to Attend Public School?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/13 04:11PM

The United States ostensibly offers a free public education to every student who wants one. The reality is different. What you see above—originally published this week on Clashtalk, Gawker's community Kinja site, by an outraged parent—is part of a "fee slip" for a public high school in Park Ridge, Ill. (the full image is below). The parent in question owes $586.25 in mandatory fees for her daughter to attend tenth grade. Why?

Families Are Doing College on the Cheap

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 09:58AM

A big new annual survey on how Americans pay for college is out today, and the trend lines are clear: families are finding ways to kick in less for school, and nobody's bearing the brunt of the trend more than black students.