
Bus Driver Fired After Forcing Prayer on Students

Lacey Donohue · 11/06/13 11:40PM

A school bus driver in Minnesota was fired last week after leading kids in Christian prayers while driving. George Nathaniel, 49, a bus driver for the Burnsville School District had already been reassigned and given a warning due to his repeated praying, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to exercise what he believes is his “freedom of speech.”

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/13 04:08PM

Enrollment of international students in US grad schools leaped by 10% this year. Which might just balance out the fact that the majority of first-generation American college students are not academically prepared for college.

Who’s Sabotaging College Admissions at This Elite NYC School?

J.K. Trotter · 10/11/13 12:52PM

Horace Mann School in New York City is well-known for its cut-throat, student-eat-student culture. According to Joe Coscarelli at Daily Intelligencer, one very enterprising (and very evil) student there kicked it up a notch by sending a letter to several colleges where one of his or her Horace Mann classmates is planning to apply, intending to torpedo the classmate’s chance of being accepted. (If you have a copy of this letter, or know what it contained, email us immediately.)

High School to Make Getting Into College a Graduation Requirement

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/10/13 01:32PM

In addition to getting passing grades in all their subjects and maintaining a good attendance record, students of one school district in Oregon will be required to meet a third requirement if they wish to graduate high school: Get into college.

America Is Below Average, But Not the Dumbest Country!

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 12:06PM

America seems to be locked in a permanent back-and-forth with the world's other developed nations: we call them "poor and weak," and they call us "uneducated and, frankly, dumb." Also, "fat." Well, we may be fat, but look out world: we're much smarter than the Italians!

Where Real Kids and Real Teachers Can Only Dream of Real Education

Jerald Isseks · 09/28/13 01:08PM

A. At a conference called "Making Language Arts More Relevant," I sit listening to the keynote speaker talk to us about how high school graduates don’t know how to capitalize the first words of sentences. This woman is the director of human resources at a cybersecurity firm located near the high school where I teach. She is talking to us about what successful job candidates’ reading and writing looks like. We sit at our tables, listening.

Watch a Cop Punch a Student at This Week's Petraeus Protest

Cord Jefferson · 09/20/13 07:18PM

General David Petraeus' rocky first days as a lecturer at the City University of New York only got rockier this week. Six CUNY student were arrested on Tuesday while protesting outside Macaulay Honors College, where Petraeus holds his classes. Now their supporters are saying that police unnecessarily roughed the students up during their arrest, and video footage seems to support that claim.

Cord Jefferson · 09/20/13 11:56AM

North Carolina's Randolph County Board of Education is reconsidering its decision to ban the Ralph Ellison novel Invisible Man for having questionable literary value. The Courier-Tribune reports that at the hearing to ban the book "there was no indication during the discussion if [the board] had all read it."