
We're Sorry for Costing David Petraeus $199,999

Cord Jefferson · 07/15/13 05:46PM

Two weeks ago, Gawker contributor JK Trotter published evidence that the City University of New York was offering General David Petraeus a $200,000 salary for conducting a seminar on "developments that could position the United lead the world out of the current global economic slowdown." Faced with only three hours a week of real work, the disgraced former CIA chief was set to be paid about eight times the salary of a first-time adjunct professor at CUNY, and all without having to teach a full course load. Today, it looks as if that deal has been scrapped.

Tufts University Asks Applicants: “What does #YOLO mean to you?"

Caity Weaver · 07/11/13 05:38PM

Tufts University, a former clown college that rose through the ranks to become one of America's most prestigious safety schools, likes to have fun on its applications. For years, it's been asking prospective students to submit quirky YouTube videos demonstrating how their quirky YouTube videos are better than other applicants' quirky YouTube videos. In 2010, it invited applicants to "create something" out of a sheet of paper. It's fun in the way your old job made you wear a sombrero on your birthday "because we like to have fun here!" It's just really, really fun.

California Legislators Pass Transgender-Rights Bill for K-12 Students

Cord Jefferson · 07/03/13 08:56PM

California lawmakers today approved a bill that would allow transgender public school students to choose which restrooms they use and which sports teams they join based on their gender identity rather than their chromosomal gender. The bill is now headed to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature.

Look, It's a Good Idea About How to Pay for College

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 03:33PM

Americans are currently drowning in student debt. Debates over this issue tend to descend into arguments over whether college is "worth it." Meanwhile, debt-hobbled graduates scrounge unsuccessfully for living-wage jobs. Oregon has a better idea.

Kids These Days Just as Dumb as You Were

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/13 08:38AM

Every once in a while you run into one of these fresh-mouthed young high school graduates declaring they're going to "change the world" with their "apps" and their "new paradigm" and their "great idea for an electronic dance beat." News flash, kiddos: you're mediocre at best, just like your old man.

Gay Teen Comes Out to Parents in Graduation Speech, Shouts Out Beyonce

Cord Jefferson · 06/11/13 07:24PM

Before he took the stage to give his salutatorian speech at the Bell County Expo in Belton, Texas, on Thursday, Mitch Anderson had never told anyone he is gay. That had changed by Anderson's third paragraph, when, after extolling the merits of "learning how to love and celebrate yourself," he broke the news unequivocally: "I feel the moment has arrived for me to be publically true to my personal identity," he said. "So now, I can say, I’m gay."

College Grads Are Too Broke to Become Good Little Entrepreneurs

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 12:43PM

Besides forcing young college graduates into a decades-long penurious existence as veritable indentured servants to institutions of higher learning, there's another downside to our nation's $1 trillion student debt: it's stopping young people from starting business. Businesses! The lifeblood of Republicanism!

Community Colleges Are Segregated and Unequal

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/13 10:13AM

More than 40% of American college students are enrolled in a community college. The problems facing community colleges resemble the problems facing public schools more than the problems facing larger universities. In particular, racial segregation and inequality.

Community Colleges Are Getting Screwed Financially

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/13 11:12AM

As higher education in America grows both more expensive and more necessary (as an entry fee to a middle class life), community colleges— the last affordable path into college— grow more important. But they're not getting any more well-funded. Quite the opposite!

Cord Jefferson · 04/12/13 07:49PM

An Albany English teacher has been suspended for asking students to write an anti-Semitic essay in the voice of a Nazi.