
The 25 Most Unranked Colleges in America

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/11 01:17PM

It's a day of the year, which means it's time for an online media outlet to produce a listicle of colleges, ranked upon some wacky basis! The Daily Beast tries to cover every conceivable college listicle angle today—but they stop after ranking only the categories of Best International Schools, Best Party Schools, Most Beautiful, Happiest, Brainiacs, Activists, Best Food, Future CEOs, Artistic, Least Rigorous, Cheapest, Return on Investment, Most Rigorous, Free-Spirited, Horniest, Gay-Friendly, Best Weather, Computer Geeks, Accessible Professors, Future Politicians, Greenest, and Foreign Students.

Good Riddance to 'For Profit Colleges'

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/11 10:52AM

Americans are smartening up and staying the hell away from school. We recently came to our senses and started avoiding law school. And now, we're avoiding fake colleges, as well. We'll make something of ourselves yet, fellow Americans!

Students Have No Idea How Google Works

Adrian Chen · 08/22/11 04:25PM

You'd think that with all their Googling to find the Spark Notes of the novels they didn't read, today's students would understand how the search engine works. Wrong: They are completely clueless!

Facebook Turns Schools Into Hellscapes of Abuse and Hysteria

Ryan Tate · 08/22/11 02:59PM

A survey by British principals found teachers fear Facebook more than they fear official schools inspectors, with 20 percent having received online abuse or threats. It's just the latest evidence that people turn into Facebook maniacs when school is involved.

Teen Sexting Ring Rocks Vermont to Its Foundations

Seth Abramovitch · 08/18/11 09:52PM

Just in time for sexting's auspicious debut in the dictionary, comes a perfectly salacious item that will give your mother a reason to look it up: Police have busted a "teen sexting ring" (ed. note: LOL), implicating two dozen horny, Vermont high schoolers in an elaborate round of Dick Pic, Dick Pic, Goose.

Teacher of the Year Suspended For Telling Facebook That Gays Make Him Want to Barf

Seth Abramovitch · 08/18/11 01:02AM

Jerry Buell, Teacher of the Year at Mount Dora High School north of Orlando, has been suspended pending an investigation into some super-cool comments he made on his Facebook page. The social studies teacher wrote that he "almost threw up" when he heard that same-sex marriage had been legalized in New York. He thinks same-sex marriage is a "cesspool" and a "sin." Rock on, Mister B.! I "like" this! LOL!

Matt Damon Gives Libertarian Reporter a Satisfying Smackdown

Richard Lawson · 08/02/11 02:15PM

A reporter from libertarian rag Reason interviewed notorious Massachusetts liberal actor Matt Damon at this year's Save Our Schools March and she tried to throw some business at him about teacher tenure and Ayn Randy incentive stuff and he wasn't having it.

Meet the College Chancellor with a Suburban Sex Dungeon

Maureen O'Connor · 08/01/11 12:48PM

Last week, immigration officials raided the University of Northern Virginia, a for-profit college that was recently the subject of a report on student visa scams. Is there anything that could possibly make this boring story about immigration loopholes and higher education interesting?

Bronx School Hires White Supremacist as Principal

Max Read · 07/31/11 09:41AM

When the 200-student Bronx primary school Our Lady of Mount Carmel needed a new principal, its pastor, Rev. Eric Rapaglia, knew exactly who to hire: White supremacist author Frank Borzellieri.

Stephen Colbert Gives a Crash Course in Gay History

Matt Cherette · 07/22/11 01:05AM

Last week, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill requiring public schools to include contributions from gay people in its history textbooks. On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert reviewed the negative reaction of conservatives (and Fox News) to the bill's passing before attempting his own take on the subject with a 60-second gay history crash course. Video of Colbert's segment is above.

Texas Schools Just Suspending Everyone on Principle

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 04:10PM

If we didn't have statistical research on educational techniques, we'd never make breakthroughs like "Maybe we should stop beating children." And if we didn't have the state of Texas, we'd never have angry internet commenters passionately arguing that their state is about much more than dying while raping elderly women. Put these two dynamics together, and what do you get? A new report on how maybe Texas' "expel everyone" discipline plan should be re-examined.

Everybody in College Gets Good Grades Now

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/11 03:59PM

In my day, college grades were evenly distributed on a "curve," which was determined by...well who knows, we were all so blunted back then. The point is, you can now safely accuse kids these days of getting everything for free.