
California Wants to Force Children to Learn about Gays

Max Read · 07/05/11 10:12PM

The California Assembly has passed a bill that would require textbooks and history classes in schools to "include the contributions of gays, lesbians and transgender Americans." According to the bill's supporters, such a requirement would reduce the instance of anti-gay bullying, as well as paint a more accurate picture of American history; according to the bill's opponents, this bill will literally force every child to be homosexual forever, risking their places in heaven. The bill now goes to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk for either a signature or veto; Brown "has taken no public position." [LAT, image via AP]

Swedish Preschool Bans Gender

Richard Lawson · 06/28/11 02:18PM

A public preschool in a liberal part of Stockholm has created an environment where gendered pronouns are not used, the children are referred to as "friends" instead of "boys and girls," and toys are deliberately gender neutral. Sounds crazy!

L.A. Schools Give Up on Homework

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/11 08:18AM

Homework is only the worst idea ever. Who was the first jerk who was like, "Hey, got a great idea here, after we made you sit in school all day let's send more school work home with you, so as to infest your every waking hour with dread and help you develop a lifelong loathing of formal education?" I mean come on. Kids hate doing homework. Teachers hate grading homework. Now, students in LA are more or less free to never do homework again.

The New Path to Success: From Summer School to Community College

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/11 04:28PM

Schools these days: what are they even doing? It used to be that the American school system was little more than a warehouse where we shoved our youngest and therefore most criminal citizens until they reached the age of 18, at which time we sent the cockiest of them off to college to be enslaved by debt for the rest of their lives, and sent the rest off to menial jobs, where they'd keep our capitalist system running with their very souls for very little reward, and be tricked into voting Republican, while doing so.

Homeless Mom, Accused of Education Theft, Arrested for Selling Crack

Jeff Neumann · 06/14/11 04:20AM

Tanya McDowell, the homeless Connecticut woman who was charged with larceny for heinously enrolling her son in an elementary school in a town where she doesn't live, now has a new pile of legal woes. She was arrested last Friday for allegedly selling crack and weed to undercover cops on three separate occasions, as well as offering them prostitutes. One of the alleged transactions occurred during her son's birthday party.

Grownups Are Worried About The Chronic

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/11 11:58AM

In the olden days, your parents used to smoke weed that was not chemically distinguishable from banana peels, which gave them a "hippy dippy" feeling, the most dangerous side effect of which was an affinity for neo-folk tunes. Today, you kids smoke chronic and shoot each other, or at least make up "freestyle raps" about same.

Watch the Winning Moment of the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee

Matt Cherette · 06/02/11 10:32PM

"Cymotrichous" is defined as "having wavy hair." But for 14-year-old Sukanya Roy—the winner of this year's Scripps National Spelling Bee, which just wrapped up outside Washington, DC—it means $25,000 cash, a $5,000 scholarship, a $2,500 bond, a Barnes & Noble Nook, and the title of the best middle school speller in the country. Video of Sukanya's triumphant moment is above.

Public Schools Now Charging Thousands of Dollars

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/11 09:55AM

Does your child attend a "public" high school? You're so old. Also, broke, due to the fact that America's public schools these days charge lots of money. Is this a new thing?

School Fools Bother Diplomat's Daughter: Key to the City for Pretty Kiddie?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/11 08:57AM

Krittika Biswas is a high school senior in Queens and the daughter of the vice consul of the Indian Consulate in New York. Earlier this year, she was perp-walked out of school, arrested, held for a day in central booking, and spent a month at a school "suspension center," all for allegedly sending email threats "with references to rape and prostitution" to two of her teachers. Except she didn't.

Everything College Students Do Now Is Wrong

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/11 04:43PM

Kids these days: they don't know how to do school right. They spend two god damn years working on their college admission essays! Then they take some stupid major that will never get them a job! Then they all take five years to finish their four-year degrees! Then they graduate and they're too lazy to work! Not that there are any jobs for them, anyhow. Still, they're way too optimistic about their chances. I knew we should have punished the parents for their kids being so stupid when we had the chance!

Senator's Warning: Don't Fall for the Ol' 'Hot Girl in Pajamas' Trick

Jim Newell · 05/20/11 12:56PM

The battle over federally subsidized loans for for-profit colleges is one of the biggest in Washington these days, as the Education Department is finalizing its rules to crack down on this shady industry which some might suggest only exists to take money from poor people. But still, how is one supposed to resist the industry's recruiting ads showing sexy coeds in their pajamas?