
Fancy Rich Kids Expect Community College to Not Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/12 11:55AM

Used to be that community college was only for regular folks. The rich folks sent their kids to regular four-year colleges, unless their kids were major fuck-ups. You know who I'm talking about. But ever since the economy crashed and community colleges became competitive and the traditional middle class of colleges died off, even regular rich kids are showing up in community colleges. And, outrageously, they expect their school not to suck.

Self Esteem Is Making Your Children Weak and Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/12 03:56PM

There was a brief period in the history of human development in which it was imagined that making children "feel good" about themselves would have a positive effect on children's ability to learn facts and adapt to social norms. This period is now over, and good riddance. Let's tell these fucking kids just how wrong they are about things.

Slavery Probably Not the Best Subject for Third-Grade Math Word Problems

Max Read · 01/09/12 05:40PM

While we admire the clear desire for efficient pedagogy displayed by teachers at Beaver Ridge Elementary in Norcross, Ga., we can't help but feel that there is probably a better history lesson to include in math problems than "slavery," or maybe a better way to teach students about slavery than by providing them with questions like "Each tree had 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" (For the record: seven.)

Teachers Aren't Totally Worthless After All

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/12 10:29AM

As a close follower of the position papers of Republican presidential candidates, I've long been under the impression that teachers in America are a bunch of shady unionized borderline thugs, like the Teamsters with frumpier clothing. But according to a new study, a few good apples out there in our crumbling schools are actually getting something accomplished, while robbing the taxpayers blind. Who knew? The NYT reports:

Women Can Have a Job or Love, But Not Both

Hamilton Nolan · 12/29/11 11:20AM

Men do recessions like, "Aww shit, it's a recession up in here, nothing but crappy jobs out there, guess I'll just keep working this crappy job I have, nothing else to do, stone cold watching some football and drinking brews with the fellas, because my life is a beer commercial." But women do recessions like, "Considering these dead end prospects in the current job market, I shall instead return to school to further my education and enhance my employment prospects for the future." Ladies are crazy!

Today's College Essay Questions Sound Like Online Dating Profile Questions

Lauri Apple · 12/10/11 04:11PM

In my day, when Kurt Cobain was president and we youngsters went to college to get jobs that actually existed, the only questions colleges asked you on their applications were these: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" And "Are you smart? Describe below." Life was simple then.

Chet Haze Thanks 'Good Peoplez' of Northwestern For Coming Through with Study Notes

Seth Abramovitch · 12/06/11 11:20PM

[Updated.] Yesterday, we brought you an email sent out at 4 a.m. by a frantic Chet Haze — multi-hyphenate hip-hop impresario/Northwestern junior theater major/Rita Wilson's son — to his entire philosophy class, after realizing he was missing a month's worth of class notes for a term paper due THAT DAY. You've undoubtedly been able to to think of nothing else since.

Women Be Kicking Ass at Going to College

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/11 03:10PM

Boys, or girls: which do you think is better at going to college? If you said "boys," fuck off, you stupid idiot, no wonder you never went to college.

School Cops Shouldn't Wear Gynecologist Costumes to Work

Lauri Apple · 12/06/11 07:54AM

Why did high school cop Donnie Riggins show up to work on Halloween 2011 dressed up as a ladyparts doctor—complete with "Gynecologist, Dr. Harry Beaver" name badge, fake teeth, and wig? We can think of four possible reasons:

Scene Outside College Library Looks Like Walmart on Black Friday

Lauri Apple · 12/05/11 10:06AM

For students at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, trying to secure a prime study spot in the library during the "reading days" before Finals Week has become as harrowing and dangerous as trying to purchase $2 waffle iron on Black Friday. Trampling! Pepper spray! These are now part of their library experience.

Old Lady Professor Who Ran a Meth Lab is Nothing Like the Guy in Breaking Bad

Seth Abramovitch · 12/04/11 11:17PM

Irina Kristy, an easy-grading college math professor with an impenetrable accent who has taught at Boston University and Suffolk University since 1987, has been arrested for allegedly running a crystal meth lab with Grigory Genkin, her 29-year-old son, out of their home in Somerville, Massachusetts. (This is the part in the post where you point a finger at your screen and shout, "Breaking Bad! Breaking Bad!" even though it bears only a passing resemblance to the AMC series. So please stop.)

The Best Photo of a High School Principal Ever

Lauri Apple · 12/03/11 06:16PM

Everyone meet Jane Addams High School principal Sharron Smalls—seen here getting down with, and chocolate-sauced by, a topless man who looks less-than-excited to be there. Yesterday students at Addams (it's in NYC) covered their school with copies of the photo in honor of Smalls and her achievements—particularly her use of said pic on her Facebook profile.

Shocker: Poor Schools Get Less Money

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/11 03:10PM

If you've ever consulted your own common sense, one of the things it probably told you was, "I bet that shitty schools in poor neighborhoods get less money spent on them, than schools in richer neighborhoods." At long last, the US Education Department has done a real live study on this topic. The shocking results: