Everyone meet Jane Addams High School principal Sharron Smalls—seen here getting down with, and chocolate-sauced by, a topless man who looks less-than-excited to be there. Yesterday students at Addams (it's in NYC) covered their school with copies of the photo in honor of Smalls and her achievements—particularly her use of said pic on her Facebook profile.

Just kidding! The students are totally disgusted with Smalls, especially because she may have completely screwed up graduation for half the senior class by double-dipping: giving science and math credits to students who didn't take any science and math courses. In several cases, Addams students reportedly received chemistry credits even though their failing school doesn't employ a single chemistry teacher. Now their academic records must be corrected, and they might have to take classes to fulfill their graduation requirements. The worst part is that they already faced huge obstacles to graduation: Last year, only 45 percent of the senior class received a diploma; New York City wants to shut the place down; and their principal is too busy getting topped like a sundae to ensure that conditions and graduation rates improve. City officials are now investigating Smalls to see if the double-dipping claims are true.

But Smalls' alleged fudging (so hard to stop using dessert references!) of students' report cards isn't the only reason why students dislike her: She's also a "do as I say, not as I dance with topless men" type. "She doesn't want us to come to school with short shorts and then she turns around and does this," senior Tehrra Smith told the New York Daily News. "It's gonna be bad for college, very bad." So will all those bogus grades! These poor kids. At least they got to interrupt their worrying about the future by having some fun yesterday. Back to fretting on Monday.

[New York Daily News]