
Please God End Those TV Drug Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/09 01:24PM

The New York Times counts four different legislators trying to attack the epidemic of 'Viva Viagra!' ads from different angles: they violate decency standards, they promote dangerous overuse of risky drugs, they're a poor use of the tax code. Which is fucking true, come on:

Weed Kills Crocs; America Wins

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/09 02:55PM

The Way We Live Now: Taxed and Spent. But high! Marijuana taxes will save California from descending into Mad Max-dom. Residents celebrated by forsaking ugly shoes. Wall Street couldn't be happier!

Your Chef Is On Drugs

cityfile · 07/22/09 10:43AM

The chef in this picture could be mixing some flour. But he could also be using the bowl to store his supply of coke. According to Jason Sheehan, a former chef and food writer, the odds that your next restaurant meal "will be prepared by someone on drugs" is "very high," since "cooks and coke go together like salt and pepper." It's not something they can help, mind you. Chefs are hard-wired to be coke fiends, Sheehan says, since "being a cook or a chef means being in the pleasure business," and is "the sort of person who has a yen for experimentation and excess." So if you're looking for ways to curry favor at your favorite restaurant, bringing a key of coke with you might not be such a bad idea. [TDB]

Least Important Crooks in Albany Busted

Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/09 03:46PM

Turns out that a couple of state workers in Albany hid in some back room smoking weed and selling weed and watching DVDs and passing out on the couch instead of working. And?

Sissies At NYT Sunday Styles Addicted To Weed Addictions, Man

Foster Kamer · 07/19/09 12:15PM

Drug addictions and rehab trips have - as much drugs themselves - been trendy forever. But what about weed addictions? The Times' Sunday Styles' 'bout to get all High Times on us and investigate. Bongs out, bowls packed? Blaze away!

The War on Painkillers

cityfile · 07/01/09 08:33AM

Disturbing news for people who go through life with excruciating pain and rely on painkillers to get them through the day: A federal advisory panel voted yesterday to recommend a ban on Percocet and Vicodin, due to the drugs' potentially harmful effects on the liver. The recommendation doesn't mean it will become the law of the land; the FDA still has to vote on it. And the ban wouldn't have an impact on other popular painkillers like OxyContin, so Rush Limbaugh won't have to worry about taking up another cause. For the moment, at least. [NYT]

The UN Finally Useful

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/09 04:10PM

"Worldwide, (cocaine) prices range from $2 a gram in Panama to over $300 in New Zealand, according to the UN's World Drug Report." The UN further reports that Mexico got that sticky-icky and that candyflipping in Bulgaria is fun. [Economist]