
Blog-Drunk Drew Kerr Vows To Spam Way To Top Of PR World

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/08 03:22PM

Drew Kerr, the carrot-spewing former Radar flack, has seen his firm Four Corners Communications shrink to essentially a one-man shop in the past year. But the savvy Kerr, who specializes "in online and offline media" (that covers it all!), knows how to get good PR for himself in these lean times: by crushing PR bloggers from bigger PR firms in a "blog competition" and then bragging about it while spamming his contacts relentlessly for more votes! Kerr's spamtastic bragadocio, featuring a haughty dismissal of megafirm Edelman, after the jump-join his quest for PR blog domination!! PRWeek (my old employer) is having a tournament of PR blogs, and the PR blogosphere hasn't been this excited since some shit happened with Apple's PR department about some gadget one time, probably! Thanks to his campaign of vote-trolling spam, Kerr's spitballed blog about license plates and delis defeated PR tech nerd/ Edelman blogger god Steve Rubel's Micropersuasion, and Kerr is taking the opportunity to tell Edelman-the Wal-Mart-flacking superfirm that surely makes Kerr's annual income in about an hour-that they suck the big one:

Carrot-Munching Former Radar Flack Is Felix Dennis' Only Hope

Hamilton Nolan · 04/11/08 12:11PM

When eccentric billionaire and Maxim publisher Felix Dennis confessed to killing a man in an interview last week, he quickly realized, once the hangover wore off, that he'd need some expert public relations help with this mess. So he turned to the trusty Drew Kerr, the former Radar publicist who managed to hang on to his Maxim account even as his firm, Four Corners, dwindled to little more than Drew himself and a bag of baby carrots. (Drew was very proud of that baby carrots-sent-to-Gawker stunt). So how does Kerr help the menacing Dennis back out of his murder confession? With an ill-timed joke about how he's only a killer of magazines.

So Long, Drew Kerr!

Doree Shafrir · 07/27/07 09:50AM

We hear that Drew Kerr's Four Corners PR firm, which used to represent Radar, has finally gone to the great press release wastebasket in the sky. A former employee tells us that Kerr's resigned his Maxim and Dennis accounts, and that the company Web mail server doesn't exist anymore. [UPDATE: Kerr emails to say that he still has three clients—Future US, which publishes Guitar World, DriverTV, and Godengo; his office is not shutting down ["We just moved to 23rd and 6th"]; and though he has no employees, "it's just me as a solo operation as Four Corners Communications, as it was the first five years we were in business."] We sent an email sent to Kerr for confirmation and got the following message in return: "I will be out of the office until Thursday afternoon. Be back to you then. Thanks — Drew." Curious! We hope this doesn't mean we're never getting a box of baby carrots again!

Doree Shafrir · 06/18/07 09:30AM

Sean Evans, former employee of carrot-spewing media publicist Drew Kerr, will join Patrick Huguenin in Jo Piazza's old job as a gossip boy for Rush & Molloy. He starts at the Daily News in early July.

Drew Kerr Sends Us A Present

Doree Shafrir · 05/31/07 03:30PM

A mysterious package arrived at Gawker HQ today, addressed to "Ms. Doree Shafrir & our friends at Gawker." It was in a beat-up box, taped over several times. It looked heavy. The return address was "Four Corners Communications." Four Corners, we thought? Didn't that place go out of business? Was he sending us a bomb?

How Drew Kerr's P.R. Firm Died

Doree Shafrir · 05/29/07 04:51PM

The story of any company's demise is a mess of allegations, innuendo, slights, and wrongs: Employees treated badly, employers indignant, clients left holding the bag. The story behind the swift downfall of Drew Kerr's publicity firm, Four Corners, is no different. To pull out every last cliche, it's a cautionary tale of one man's twisted vision—a tale of how ego and greed should not be mistaken for ambition. Yes! So, how did Kerr's firm, which handled accounts like Radar and Maxim, go to hell so fast?

Is Drew Kerr Shutting Down His Agency?

Doree Shafrir · 05/23/07 01:56PM

We heard whispers today that Drew Kerr was shutting down his PR firm, Four Corners, which reps such magazines as Radar, Maxim, and Blender. Really? No more "anonymous" blog posting about his clients? Say it isn't so! Well, actually, he did say it isn't so. But we don't believe him.

The Greatest American Magazine Re-Relaunch: The Kerr Stays in the Picture

Jesse · 06/30/06 09:40AM

Among all the interesting bits about Radar yesterday — that the website is sked for mid-August and the print version for early 2007, that Yusef Jackson is the lead investor and no one will comment whether Burkle's involved, that there's even a woman on staff — the one we found most intriguing was that the press release was issued by Mario Ruiz of DKC. It thus seemed to us that Maer's former angry publicist, Drew Kerr of Four Corners Communications, had been replaced. But, as is it turns out, we allowed ourselves to get too excited too quickly. Drew emailed late yesterday to clarify: