Drew Kerr, the carrot-spewing former Radar flack, has seen his firm Four Corners Communications shrink to essentially a one-man shop in the past year. But the savvy Kerr, who specializes "in online and offline media" (that covers it all!), knows how to get good PR for himself in these lean times: by crushing PR bloggers from bigger PR firms in a "blog competition" and then bragging about it while spamming his contacts relentlessly for more votes! Kerr's spamtastic bragadocio, featuring a haughty dismissal of megafirm Edelman, after the jump-join his quest for PR blog domination!! PRWeek (my old employer) is having a tournament of PR blogs, and the PR blogosphere hasn't been this excited since some shit happened with Apple's PR department about some gadget one time, probably! Thanks to his campaign of vote-trolling spam, Kerr's spitballed blog about license plates and delis defeated PR tech nerd/ Edelman blogger god Steve Rubel's Micropersuasion, and Kerr is taking the opportunity to tell Edelman-the Wal-Mart-flacking superfirm that surely makes Kerr's annual income in about an hour-that they suck the big one:

Hi everybody: I just wanted to give you all a very sincere thank you for taking the time and clicking through to vote for my blog at PR Week's blog competition last week. Amazingly enough, my PR Rock and Roll blog beat Steve Rubel's Micro Persuasion blog by a vote of 65% to his 35%. Just to put this in perspective — Rubel is Edelman Worldwide's Internet guru with 2,200 Twitter followers, a long running blog, a periodic column in Ad Age and an invitee to many conferences. I have to PAY to get into my conferences, 30 people follow me on Twitter, my blog has been around for two months and the only column I have is the one holding up the side of my house! :) Believe when I tell you that I was waiting for an avalanche of votes to come in for Rubel and turn the tables on me, but it shockingly never came. I think the fact that Edelman's other competing blog got crushed may be an indication of what people think about that company? So I thank all of you so much for taking to the time to vote. I am on to Round Two beginning Wednesday, and we're up against something called Communication Overtones. I'll be asking for your vote again (or votes, if you have access to more than one computer), as we stumble on to victory through the social media underworld! THANKS. Drew

Ha, you just gonna sit back and take that, Edelman? Let's hope this starts all sorts of undercover sniping to us that we can write about. [In fairness, Drew Kerr's blog is probably more entertaining than Steve Rubel's for the average reader.]