We heard whispers today that Drew Kerr was shutting down his PR firm, Four Corners, which reps such magazines as Radar, Maxim, and Blender. Really? No more "anonymous" blog posting about his clients? Say it isn't so! Well, actually, he did say it isn't so. But we don't believe him.

First, we rang one of Drew's lackeys, who seemed genuinely surprised to hear us ask whether Drew was closing the firm. (Prepare the resumé!) Then he told us Drew was out to lunch. And then he told us he didn't know Drew's cell phone number. How strange!

So we called the main number and were put straight through to Drew himself. (C'mon, kids.)

"We're not shutting down Four Corners at all," Drew said. So there you have it.

And yet. We hear that half Drew's agency left like a month ago, and someone else quit last week—so there aren't even that many people to lay off. But maybe we're wrong! Good publicists, after all, never lie to reporters.