This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Among all the interesting bits about Radar yesterday — that the website is sked for mid-August and the print version for early 2007, that Yusef Jackson is the lead investor and no one will comment whether Burkle's involved, that there's even a woman on staff — the one we found most intriguing was that the press release was issued by Mario Ruiz of DKC. It thus seemed to us that Maer's former angry publicist, Drew Kerr of Four Corners Communications, had been replaced. But, as is it turns out, we allowed ourselves to get too excited too quickly. Drew emailed late yesterday to clarify:

No, we're still doing Radar's PR.

Mario Ruiz repped the investors' announcement.

We're aboard.

Sorry to get your hopes up so high.


The Greatest American Magazine Re-Relaunch: The Press Release
Tout le reportage Radarique du Gawker.