Photo: AP

This week the Trump campaign finally made a decision that makes sense, hiring a former communications director for a company that operates not unlike the Trump campaign itself—the UFC.

According to the AP, Trump this week hired Steven Cheung to head the campaign’s “rapid response” operation. The AP reports Cheung’s job will be “pushing back on false or unbalanced reporting.”

Cheung is a natural fit for the Trump campaign if only because his former employer is also notorious for blackballing reporters, often for correctly reporting the news.

In June, the UFC went so far as to vaguely threaten legal action against Jeremy Botter, a reporter for the website Flo Combat, after he reported the company was entertaining bids.

“A report today by indicating that the company has been sold is false,” the company wrote in an internal email. “This follows other false speculation in the press recently.”

The UFC sold today for $4 billion.

Even better, Cheung may have been a fairly low-level flack with the UFC, negating Trump’s consistent refrain that he’ll only hire the very best—recent promotional emails indicate Cheung worked mainly with Victory FC shows, a minor league event.

The UFC has not responded to a request for comment, if you can even believe it.