
Donald Trump's Birth Certificate Is Clearly a Fake

Jim Newell · 03/28/11 04:57PM

Pretend presidential candidate Donald Trump released his "birth certificate" to wingnut rag Newsmax today to prove that he's an American citizen, unlike Barack Obama. That was nice of him. But where's the real birth certificate? Because this... this thing, this piece of paper with bullshit scribbled all over it, is simply not a birth certificate. Just look at it. This is definitely not a legitimate birth certificate. If it were real, it would be real. Where's the birth certificate, Trump?

Donald Trump's Delusion: 'I Definitely Think I Could Beat Obama'

Brian Moylan · 03/23/11 12:09PM

Donald Trump went on The View this morning to spread his birther nonsense and talk about potentially running for president in 2012. When Barbara Walters pushed for an answer of whether or not he could win he says, "I definitely think I could beat Obama." Really, Donald? Really?

Watch The Situation Completely Bomb at the Donald Trump Roast

Matt Cherette · 03/15/11 10:43PM

Guess what! The Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump aired tonight. Among the roasters was Jersey Shore star The Situation, who just completely, totally, utterly bombed. How bad was he? The crowd almost didn't let him finish—seriously!

The Most Annoying Thing About Reality TV

Brian Moylan · 03/14/11 01:49PM

you ever have a sense of déjà vu when watching reality TV? Like when a show comes back from commercial and you're like, "Wait a minute. Didn't I just see that?" Yeah, you probably did, and it's annoying as all hell. Why must reality producers treat us like imbeciles?

Someone Took Jake Gyllenhaal's Picture While He Was Peeing at South By Southwest

Adrian Chen · 03/13/11 12:59PM
  • At the Nerd BBQ fest South by Southwest, some guy tried to take Jake Gyllenhaal's picture at the premier of his nerd thriller Source Code… while he was in the bathroom peeing. Ew, guy! Jake confronted the guy, who eventually deleted it. And of course, it being South By Southwest, the whole ordeal was live-tweeted: Wrote one guy: "Gyllenhaal apparently grabbed the dude mid-photo, threw him against the wall and was like, ‘are we really gonna do this right now?'" Clearly, Jake needs to take a lesson in transparency from James Franco, just tweets pictures of his (maybe) penis before anyone else has a chance to. [HollywoodNews]

Trump Aide Headed to Iowa

Jeff Neumann · 03/05/11 01:20PM

Donald Trump's main man Michael Cohen is headed to Iowa next week, which means Donald Trump wants to stay in the spotlight. "I'll be gauging the reception I feel he would have when he comes to Iowa," Cohen told the AP.

Donald Trump Will Fix This Country Once He Is President

Leah Beckmann · 03/02/11 11:50AM

On Regis and Kelly this morning, The Donald discussed the serious possibility of running for President in order to "fix this great country" of ours. And what better way to garner votes than by using scare tactics?

'Possible Presidential Candidate' Donald Trump Won't Shake Your Filthy Hand

Jim Newell · 02/25/11 03:15PM

Professional television entertainer Donald Trump got a little boost for his pretend presidential prospects the other day, when a poll came out showing him within two percentage points of Barack Obama in a hypothetical presidential matchup. He proudly, and immediately, flapped his gums about this in the YouTube clip above. Maybe we underestimated him and his ability to enchant dumb America by firing people in a cardboard corporate boardroom for all these terrible, terrible years. Maybe he should be our greatest next president after all.

Donald Trump Has Made an Enemy of Ron Paul

Jim Newell · 02/14/11 12:39PM

Republican tribal god Rep. Ron Paul hit the television circuit this morning to celebrate his big straw poll win at this weekend's insane Conservative Political Action Conference. How does Paul feel now, knowing that Republican voters want him to be president, at least according to this straw poll for which he bused in hundreds of supporters? He's flattered as always. Such a humble man, that Doctor Congressman Ron Paul.

Donald Trump Terrifies a Roomful of Conservatives

Jim Newell · 02/10/11 06:21PM

The first day of this year's all-important Conservative Political Action Conference, a summit for top Republican politicians and operatives heading into a presidential election cycle, wasn't dominated by Newt Gingrich or Tim Pawlenty or any other actual Republican politician. It was Donald Trump, the wealthy television clown, who stole the show with the blunt, meandering speech he'd invited himself to deliver at the last minute.