
Donald Trump Appoints Himself Republican Presidential Kingmaker

Jim Newell · 09/15/11 04:38PM

Think Team Trump wouldn't use his meeting with Rick Perry last night to greatly and farcically exaggerate his power over the Republican presidential contest? No, of course you didn't think that. Anyway, we just want to confirm that it happened.

Donald Trump Simply Does Not Care for Dick Cheney's Book of Lies

Jim Newell · 09/01/11 03:09PM

Here we have the latest shouty comedy video From the Desk of Donald Trump, in which our host reviews the Dick Cheney memoir that he has not read. You might even like this one! Trump, he just knows that Dick Cheney's a liar about everything, and doesn't like to see him "ratting out" his old colleagues.

Donald Trump Would Like to Meet You—For $10,000

Brian Moylan · 08/31/11 04:47PM

Donald Trump is going to Australia this September, and he's invited a select group of business leaders to meet with him while he's there. Oh, except he's expecting that they'll pay at least $10,000 just to hang out with him.

Donald Trump Upset That We Haven't Already Taken All of Libya's Oil

Jim Newell · 08/22/11 02:27PM

Gilded dildo casket Donald Trump sure was peeved during his weekly call into Fox News' illiterate dementia variety hour, Fox & Friends, today. Muammar Qaddafi, he's no good, sure, but why do the people of Libya now get to manage all of that sweet untapped brent crude under the sands of their own country? Can't NATO, meaning America, just sort of take it now?

Take a Tour of Donald Trump's Horribly Gaudy New Jet

Brian Moylan · 08/18/11 02:57PM

Donald Trump bought himself a gold-plated 757 so that he can cruise around the country and pretend like he's running for president in a desperate attempt to remain in the spotlight. Knowing how much everyone in America cares about the details of his private air fleet, Trump posted a video tour of the monstrosity on YouTube. Let's check it out.

Threat of Default Doesn't Scare Constantly Bankrupt Donald Trump

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 03:23PM

Why had no one thought to ask death-soaked bubonic replicant Donald Trump, America's foremost lover of declaring bankruptcy, about the debt ceiling until now? In retrospect, it was irresponsible to form a single opinion about the issue of raising America's borrowing limit before soliciting the advice of this prominent capitalist cartoon character, from television. What is to be done, Mr. Trump?

Ivanka Trump Gives Birth to Baby Girl

Lauri Apple · 07/17/11 04:42PM

The Summer of Babies continues! Today Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner said howdy to their brand-new daughter. No name yet (maybe Donaldeena?). Obvs Ivanka's the ultimate glamour-mom, but will Jared make a dutiful dad? Hmmm. [Image via AP]

Now Anthony Weiner Has Donald Trump Judging Him

Jim Newell · 06/07/11 03:46PM

Donald Trump has made another one of those funny videos he makes from The Desk of Donald Trump, this time weighing on Internet penis-flasher Rep. Anthony Weiner. Is there no worse a punishment than having Donald Trump judge you on sex things? Who knows, maybe it will provide some comic relief.

Ice-T and Coco Reveal Secrets of 'Sex Circus of a Love Life'

Maureen O'Connor · 06/07/11 10:29AM

Ice-T and Coco give marriage advice. Is Jennifer Aniston a boyfriend stealer? Thandie Newton names the director who took advantage of her when she was 16. Ed Westwick gets in a shoving match at a bar. Tuesday gossip is aggressive.

Palin, Trump Meet for Cruddy Pizza

Max Read · 05/31/11 11:02PM

If New York City seemed especially smart last night, it's because Sarah Palin and Donald Trump dined together over a slice of Famiglia pizza in Times Square.

Donald Trump Could Re-Start His Fake Presidential Campaign

Jim Newell · 05/23/11 02:20PM

What could be better for the body politic than Donald Trump starting his fake presidential campaign all over again? Pretty much anything. But it could happen! No, really, it could — he vaguely alluded to this possibility in today's edition of Monday Mornings with Trump, a weekly segment that still exists on Fox News' illiterate dementia variety hour, Fox & Friends.