
The Collected Quotes of Donald Trump on "the Blacks"

Jason Parham · 07/24/15 10:37AM

Donald Trump wants to be the next president of the United States. As with matters of such magnitude, it is important to understand where a candidate stands on critical issues, such as immigration, healthcare, domestic surveillance, marriage equality, abortion, and black people, who account for 13 percent of America’s population.

Trump's New, Super-Official Net Worth Exaggeration: Over $10 Billion

Jay Hathaway · 07/22/15 04:45PM

The Federal Election Commission Wednesday released the 92-page personal financial disclosure of one Donald J. Trump, a $4 billion puddle of tinted moisturizer haphazardly garnished with hair and eyebrows who wants to be the next president. The Trump-puddle, who oozed slowly down an escalator last month and (inaccurately) declared he was worth $8.7 billion, has increased his claim by more than a billion since then.

Donald Trump Just Gave Out Lindsey Graham's Cell Phone Number

Ashley Feinberg · 07/21/15 01:20PM

Have you ever wanted to shoot the shit with sentient mint julep and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham? Probably not—he’s awful! But just in case you want to give him a piece of your mind, ever-worse-human and godsend to the Republican primaries Donald Trump just read off his phone number in public.

Donald Trump Campaign Image Celebrates America With Photo of Nazi Troops

Jordan Sargent · 07/14/15 03:15PM

Running for president doesn’t have to be this hard: Today Donald Trump posted a campaign poster of sorts to Twitter. It features a stylized graphic of the American flag overlaid across Trump’s face, the hashtag #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, a plea to “put the U.S. back into business!” aaaaaaand a stock image of what appears to be war reenactors wearing replica Nazi uniforms.

Trump's DC Hotel Is Being Built by Undocumented Immigrants He Despises

Jay Hathaway · 07/07/15 09:38AM

According to Donald Trump, idiot billionaire and face of YouTube’s popular Annoying Orange, Mexican immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally “have lots of problems” and they’re “bringing those problems to us.” He has publicly claimed that the only things undocumented immigrants have to offer the U.S. are drugs and rape, but privately Trump knows better: they can also construct shiny new hotels, like the one they’re building for Trump in Washington, D.C.