
Donald Trump: I Paid Hillary Clinton to Attend My Wedding 

Taylor Berman · 08/06/15 09:24PM

After attacking Rosie O’Donnell earlier in tonight’s debate, Donald Trump turned his focus to Hillary Clinton. “I gave to many people,” Trump said, defending his political donations to candidates from both parties before explaining what he got in return. “With Hillary Clinton I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding,” he said. “She had no choice because I gave.”

The Debasing Race: Meet the Fox News GOP Debate Contestants

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/15 03:00PM

It’s time. Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ten drunk clowns are going to fight with each other on national television for the chance to make wildly important decisions that affect each and every one of our livelihoods. It is going to be a god damn masterpiece.

Brendan O'Connor · 08/02/15 11:45AM

After racist Truther status updates were found on his Facebook, part-time Donald Trump advisor Sam Nunberg “is no longer affiliated” with the leading Republican presidential candidate’s campaign. Nunberg had been rehired after resigning last year, following his coordination of a disastrous Buzzfeed profile.

Brendan O'Connor · 08/01/15 03:15PM

The first mention of Donald Trump in the New York Times was on October 17, 1973, in a front-page story on a Department of Justice lawsuit against Trump and his father, charging them with violation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968: “Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City.”

Donald Trump Is Straight-Up Disgusted by Breast Milk

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/29/15 10:35AM

It’s safe, at this point, to say that presidential candidate and human Kewpie doll Donald Trump is not a fan of Mexico or its people. But surely he has some begrudging respect—or even admiration—for women with functioning breasts? It might surprise you to learn—or maybe it won’t—but he’s not a fan of those either.