
Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Team Are a Bunch of Dangerous Clowns

Brendan O'Connor · 03/21/16 07:30PM

Last week, when asked who advises him on foreign policy, Donald Trump said, “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.” He continued, “I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are.” The time has come.

A Complete List of Donald Trump’s Business Disasters

Ashley Feinberg · 03/18/16 07:00PM

As debate moderators introduce every other candidate by their political credentials (Governor, Senator, what have you), Donald Trump comes to us only as “businessman.” So considering it’s his one and only qualification for the candidacy, you’d think he’d be better at it.

Apparently, Keith Richards Once Nearly Pulled a Knife on Donald Trump

Andy Cush · 03/18/16 02:18PM

Are you, like many Americans, feeling increasingly frustrated, impotent, and scared about the rise of Donald Trump? It’s true that there’s basically nothing you can do about it at this point, unless you’re a Republican primary voter, I guess. But one night nearly 30 years ago, there was one man who could do something about Donald. Let us take a moment to live vicariously through him.

KKK Grand Dragon Has a Clever Plan to Make People Think He Doesn't Support Trump

Andy Cush · 03/18/16 11:25AM

What do you do when you really want one person to win an election, but you understand that by saying that out loud, you’re actually making him more likely to lose? You pretend to support the other person, obviously. And if anyone asks you why, you say, uh, well, I don’t like my guy’s toupee.

Nobody Knows Who Won Missouri

Jordan Sargent · 03/16/16 08:30AM

Last night’s primaries likely provided great clarity in the presidential races on both sides. On the Republican side, Marco Rubio dropped out after a drubbing in Florida and John Kasich took the mantle as establishment favorite after a relatively easy win in his home state of Ohio. As for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton swept Bernie Sanders in four important states. And then there’s Missouri.