Photo: AP

Tony Pettway, arrested and charged with assault after punching and kicking a protestor at a Donald Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona, this weekend, is an airman at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson News Now reported.

“I can confirm the individual depicted in these videos is an Airman assigned to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. We are reviewing the situation, fully cooperating with local authorities, and will take appropriate action,” Captain Casey Osborne, 55th Fighter Wing Chief of Public Affairs, said in a written statement.

From the Associated Press:

Staff Sgt. Tony Pettway, a response force leader, is assigned to the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson and was arrested on Saturday on a misdemeanor charge of assault with injury. He works in security forces.

The event in Tucson turned ugly when two protesters displayed offensive imagery in an attempt to make a statement against the divisiveness of the Trump campaign. Pettway was one of several people arrested at two Trump rallies in Arizona this weekend.

The Arizona Daily Star identified the man who was assaulted as Bryan Sanders. He was carrying a sign that said, “Trump is Bad for America.”

“All DOD members are authorized to participate in the political process in their personal capacity without implying any endorsement from the DOD,” Captain Osborne’s statement continued.

“We believe wholeheartedly in our fellow Americans’ rights to express their views on political issues, and we strongly condemn any attempt to silence those views through force or violence.”