
Aide Fired From Trump Campaign for Being Racist Endorses Ted Cruz

Andy Cush · 03/28/16 01:05PM

How do you save face when America’s most prominent racist fires you from his campaign for doing something racist? The answer is simple: endorse the racist’s less-racist opponent, and claim you’re doing it because the racist is too racist for you.

Ivanka Trump Names Newborn Son 'Theodore James'

Brendan O'Connor · 03/27/16 06:45PM

Ivanka Trump, who has been pregnant, is no longer pregnant. (She gave birth.) Her newborn son’s name is Theodore James. A nickname for ‘Theodore’ is ‘Ted.’

ISIS Thanks Donald Trump For Making Their Point For Them

Sam Biddle · 03/24/16 12:44PM

Every day the media officers of the Islamic State wake and give thanks for the candidacy of Donald Trump, which delivers one propaganda coup after another for global jihad. Today’s video celebrating the Brussels attack, prominently featuring Trump’s face and words, is no exception.

Donald Trump Is The Iraq War

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 12:26PM

History regularly offers up events that turn out to be litmus tests for political courage, wisdom, and judgment. The last one was the Iraq War. The new one is the candidacy of Donald Trump.