
Jersey Shore: Meatballs on the Run

Brian Moylan · 02/10/12 12:52PM

The favorite food of many people who enjoy the greatest sociological experiment of our time is, of course, a meatball sandwich. We love when Snooki and Deena get together, even if what they're doing is stupid, immature, and somewhat immoral.

Which Actress Rearranged First Class Because She Didn't Like Her Seat?

Brian Moylan · 02/10/12 10:47AM

This famous lady had the flight crew move everyone in first class so she could sit alone. This TV star sleeps with lots of other celebrities, this porn star had a famous actor's baby, and this Oscar nominee found out their big news this year while in the middle of having sex with a stranger. Now that is first class.

The Situation Wants Everyone to Know He's Really, Really, Really Not Gay

Brian Moylan · 02/09/12 04:50PM

Recently Snooki and JWOWW gave an interview where Snooki said she is bisexual (no, Snooki, you just like to make out with girls every once in awhile when you're drunk) and they both alleged that reality show Gargamel, The Situation, has gay tendencies. Well, now he's pissed.

Which Actress Is Loathed by Her Castmates?

Brian Moylan · 02/09/12 10:55AM

This 90210 actress is so nasty all her costars call her mean names behind her back. This Oscar-winner needs rehab, this famous family makes money selling their secrets, and this actor once beat up a paparazzo in a strip club. Nope, it wasn't for calling him names.

Which Tween Slept with Her Boyfriend's Brother?

Brian Moylan · 02/08/12 11:29AM

This celeb broke up with her man briefly after he found out that she slept with his brother. This actress' plastic surgeon won't do any more work on her and this famous actress is sick of her actor husband staying in character all the time. But does he have a brother?

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: A Continued Debate

Brian Moylan · 02/07/12 01:32PM

If the Republican debates are the second greatest televised spectacle about matters that are only slightly abutting reality, then the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion specials are the first. Here is a ranking of how each woman fared in last night's fiasco.

Which Actor Ruined a Co-Star's Relationship?

Brian Moylan · 02/07/12 09:50AM

This actor guest starred on a hit show some years back, he ruined this actress' relationship. This actor is a stoner, this famous couple are coke heads, this new mother is already smoking again, and this sober actor gives his money to help other people fight addiction. Well, that sure is a change of pace.

Netflix Has Its Own TV Show, and It's Not That Great

Brian Moylan · 02/06/12 05:29PM

Today Netflix put their first original program Lilyhammer up on the internet for everyone who pays a subscription fee to watch. This is the future of television! Too bad the show isn't that great.

Madonna's Halftime Show Was Most Popular Part of the Super Bowl

Brian Moylan · 02/06/12 11:20AM

According to preliminary ratings reports, the most popular part of yesterday's Super Bowl broadcast was that crazy Cleopatra-goes-to-church-with-a-drumline-and-Japanese-schoolgirls concoction that Madonna performed in the middle. The game itself didn't rank higher than last year's record setting game, but it came close.

Jersey Shore: The Princess and the Pee

Brian Moylan · 02/03/12 12:56PM

It has finally happened, Snooki's body is rebelling against her. Yes, the greatest sociological experiment of our time took a turn for the biological and now Snooki is voiding her bowels wherever she possibly can.

Jimmy Kimmel's Mom Was 'Very Sadistic' And Kind of Messed Up

Ryan Tate · 02/02/12 07:49PM

Jimmy Kimmel went on fellow comic Marc Maron's podcast-slash-psychotherapy-couch WTF to talk about his unusual career path. But he couldn't resist taking his famously neurotic host on a detour into some of his family issues, including the "very sadistic" mom who used to make him pay her begging homage and who pretended she was dead to make him cry.

Which Actress Got a Really Stupid Tattoo?

Brian Moylan · 02/02/12 10:57AM

This actress got a rather stupid tattoo on the inside of her thigh. This actor brought a bunch of ladies over his virgin co-star's house so he could get laid. This actress does some rather creative things to her pubic hair. Why can't these ladies leave their crotches alone?

Six Tricks For Getting a TV Show, Via Louis CK and Lorne Michaels

Ryan Tate · 02/01/12 04:20PM

A comedy blogger has unearthed Louis CK's rundown of making TV pilots, posted to Usenet (!) in 2006. Between this fantastic, lengthy document and Lorne Michaels' new interview with Alec Baldwin lie some excellent tips for hacking the Hollywood system, which we've distilled and posted below.