Most people have a love/hate relationship with mistress of GOOP Gwyneth Paltrow, including her ex (maybe one of the famous ones?) who cheated on her repeatedly. Plus a hooker actress, a bald actor, and a football-related breakup.

1. "In this month's Harper's Bazaar, 'The Real Gwyneth' (all the other articles you've ever read were about 'The Fake Gwyneth') talks for the zillionith time about how real she is and about how her life lessons can help the hoi polloi. While she is 'discreet' about her dating life, she is willing to put at least one ex on blast for cheating on Her Royal Goopiness. From HarpersBazaar: 'Gwyneth remains discreet about her previous boyfriends, who include Brad Pitt (they dated for nearly three years from 1994 and were engaged for six months) and Ben Affleck (in the late '90s). She met Chris Martin in 2002, three weeks after her father's death, and married him the following year. But she does confess that she knows what it feels like to be betrayed-"I had a boyfriend who used to cheat on me all the time. I was quite naive. I knew on a cellular level, but I bought his story"-while making it clear that infidelity is not part of her marriage.' Who is the ex-boyfriend in this story?" [Blind Gossip]

2. "This former B+ television actress from a very hit series on this almost network was spending time with rich guys for money but they have started to disappear from her life because of her continued drug use. Her money is gone and now she has been reduced to charging by the hour and even ran an ad on Backpage." [CDaN]

3. "This one took us a little by surprise. Usually you can tell when a man is starting to lose his hair, and how he's trying to cover his loss. We've seen well-known celebs go from thinning or receding hairlines to lush heads of hair courtesy of wigs, toupees, and various hair restoration procedures. However, we've never seen anyone as young as this heartthrob actor take it so seriously. He's only in his twenties, and has already gone through multiple transplant sessions and has been using Rogaine for years. Supposedly, balding runs in his family, and the procedures are prophylactic in nature." [Blind Gossip]

4. "Which A list actor is thinking of splitting up with his non-celebrity wife because he resents that she doesn't like watching sports as much he does?" [BuzzFoto]