
Rap Music Kills Again

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 09:23AM

Rap music: Will it ever stop inspiring America's youth to commit multiple homicides? Not likely, if the sad case of Richard "Syko Sam" McCroskey is any indication. Because he's charged with killing four people.

Essex House Murder Confession

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 08:52AM

Essex House murder suspect Derrick Praileau has reportedly admitted to killing 44 year-old businesswoman Andree Bejjani. The Post says Praileau came into work drunk at 5 a.m., broke into Bejjani's room, and "just lost it." [NYP. Pic: Flickr]

Evidence Mounts Against Raymond Clark

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/09 08:34AM

Yale murder suspect Raymond Clark—charged yesterday with killing Annie Le and hiding her body—is looking guiltier than ever, if you believe anonymous sources that leak to the media. Clark's DNA was a match, allegedly. Plus: An accomplice?

The War of the Cloves

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/09 09:14AM

Dude, the government lets cigarettes be legal even though they kill like thousands of people. But weed is illegal. And now, dude, cloves are illegal. Cloves! The taste proves they're not killing you! Clove-smoking hippies are fighting back. With cloves!

Time to Work Yourself to Death

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/09 03:20PM

The Way We Live Now: On the job. Who can afford to retire? Who can afford to take a vacation? Who can afford to stop thinking about making money for one single instant? Nobody we know.

'DDT Is Good For Me-e-e!'

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/09 11:15AM

"During 1946, exhaustive scientific tests have shown that, when properly used, DDT kills a host of destructive insect pests, and is a benefactor of all humanity." And cancer. Copyranter found a particularly good one today. Click through for full version.

Nine Out of Ten Drunks Deny Driving

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/09 10:20AM

How many of you are "binge drinkers," meaning you had five drinks in a night once last month? (All you drunks raise your hands). Now, how many of you drove after getting wasted? (Pause). Liars! Science knows.

Hero Lawyer to Save the Marlboro Man

Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/09 09:51AM

Earlier this year, the government passed a new law that totally kneecapped the ability of marketing wizards to educate the public on how awesome cigarettes are, in Flavor Country (America). Luckily, the media's favorite lawyer is on the case!