
Tina Fey's Laptop Full of Jokes Was Stolen From Her Office

Maggie Lange · 08/22/13 12:02PM

Not long ago, a blue-shirted villain casually strolled into Tina Fey's office, stole her laptop of "unfinished jokes," and walked right out. But then she made that whole ordeal into a joke. Good job making lemonade, lady.

David Letterman Made Lindsay Lohan Cry

Rich Juzwiak · 04/10/13 12:50AM

Lindsay Lohan's two segments on the Late Show with David Letterman weren't entirely awkward. Though Letterman continued to grill Lohan on rehab and her addictions, in this clip from later in the interview, he referenced all the jokes he's made at her expense and praised her for having "enough spine, enough sense of yourself, enough poise to come out here and talk to me." Lohan teared up to the point of having trouble setting up the clip from Scary Movie 5, which she was there to promote. Humanity shines through.

Watch Lindsay Lohan's Incredibly Awkward Interview With David Letterman About Rehab

Taylor Berman · 04/09/13 08:19PM

To promote...something, Lindsay Lohan appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman Tuesday night. Letterman, of course, asked about Lohan's upcoming trip to rehab. "We didn't discuss this in the pre-show interview," she answered, clearly caught off guard. The rest of the interview is awkward, to say the least, though Lohan at least gets a halfway decent Dr. Phil burn in towards the end.

Hey Idiots, Jennifer Lawrence Didn't Dis Meryl Streep — She Was Quoting First Wives Club

Rich Juzwiak · 01/16/13 11:40AM

On the Late Show with David Letterman last night, smart-mouthed superstar Jennifer Lawrence explained her controversial acceptance speech for Best Actress - Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical for Silver Linings Playbook at Sunday's Golden Globes. "What does it say? I beat Meryl," is how she opened her speech, and she explained to Letterman that she was referencing the 1996 revenge comedy The First Wives Club. She didn't mention, though, that she was also referencing the truth, because she did, in fact, beat Meryl Streep, who was nominated for Hope Springs.

Just Like in Fan Fiction, Dustin Hoffman Kissed a One Direction Guy Last Night

MTanzer · 12/08/12 09:47AM

Five members of a tiny twink army, known to most as One Direction, were on The Late Show With David Letterman last night. They were pretty humble, albeit kind of boring, during their sit down with Dave. But the show's most exciting moment was their entrance when fellow guest Dustin Hoffman accompanied them to the stage. Left with nowhere to sit, Hoffman sat on the lap of 1D's Niall Horan.

Paul Rudd Lists the Top 10 Thoughts that Went Through His Mind When an Audience Member Vomited at His Broadway Show

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/20/12 11:55AM

The jury is still out on whether the theatergoer who vomited from the balcony during a November 14th performance of the Broadway play Grace was drunk or just old, but that hasn't stopped the show's star Paul Rudd from jotting down a few of the things that were going through his head as audience members in the orchestra section suddenly found themselves in the theater's splash zone.

Alec Baldwin Talks Paparazzi Scuffles on Late Show

Matt Toder · 06/20/12 11:54PM

Ostensibly there to promote the new Woody Allen film To Rome With Love, Alec Baldwin used an appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman tonight to tell his side of his recent scuffle with a paparazzo.

Brian Williams Talks Nepotism and His Kids with David Letterman

Matt Toder · 05/15/12 11:57PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, NBC news honcho and Gawker correspondent Brian Williams chatter with David Letterman on a variety of subjects, one of which was his kids. When Letterman suggested that Williams might hire his son, as aspiring sports journalist, Williams joked about that being nepotism. Hey Brian, using your celebrity to connect your daughter to Girls producer Judd Apatow is nepotism too.

Keith Olbermann Launches Some Salvos at Current TV on David Letterman's Show

Matt Toder · 04/03/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, Keith Olbermann attempted to explain what exactly went wrong for him at Current TV. He did so with an analogy about a $10 million chandelier being installed in an unworthy building. It's pretty easy to guess who's who in the analogy.