#CancelColbert? More like #PutColbertOnNetworkTVInFrontOfAnEvenLargerAudience, if rumors about CBS's plans to replace Late Night host David Letterman next year are true. Mashable reports Colbert is "the front-and-center candidate" for the job.

Former Deadline editor Nikki Finke reported the same rumor on Twitter Thursday.

No offer has been made, but according to Mashable's sources on both sides of the possible deal, Colbert was talking to CBS before Letterman announced his retirement. Colbert's own Comedy Central contract is up at the end of 2014, and Letterman plans to leave Late Night in "2015, for the love of God!"

Questions still left to resolve: Whether Colbert wants to make the jump to network TV, whether Comedy Central wants to get into a bidding war with CBS to keep him, and which Stephen Colbert the network wants to hire.