
Comment of the Day: Meghan McCain Is Just Like Her Dad

Richard Lawson · 03/16/11 05:36PM

Today we learned about Meghan McCain's hatred of going to work when she's been dumped and love of landing airplanes on the Las Vegas Strip. She said: "The American dream of rags to riches feels attainable the minute your airplane lands on the Strip." Uh, airplanes don't land on the Strip! So we said that we could have titled the post: "Meghan McCain Lands Airplane on Vegas Street, Miraculously Avoids Killing Anyone." But a commenter had a better suggestion.

Comment of the Day: A Rational Bicyclist Speaks

Richard Lawson · 03/09/11 06:44PM

Today we looked at the raging debate over New York's bike lanes, with strong voices on both sides speaking their piece. Bicyclists are annoying menaces that don't follow traffic laws! Motorists are careless and don't care about helpless bikers! Etc. In truth, bicycle people can sometimes come off a bit more on the self-righteous side than the non-bicyclists, but not this person, thankfully.

Comment of the Day: The Business of Fucksawing

Richard Lawson · 03/08/11 07:40PM

We've been talking a lot about fucksaws recently! Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. Like when Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is referred to as "a human fucksaw." This prompted a commenter to wonder if we maybe had stock in the fucksaw and stood to gain from its mention. (We don't, sadly.) This question opened the door for some charming legalese/business-type speculation.

Gawker Giveaways: Collaged

Keenen Thompson · 02/25/11 04:00PM

Free art is hard to come by these days. Sometime as time consuming as a multi-piece collage would be pricey at a gallery. That is not the case here, at Gawker Giveaways! Today we'll be giving away two collage pieces from collage artist and photographer MaryLaura Mau.