Comment of the Day: Lady Gaga, Explained

Today we pondered the meaning of pop sensationalist Lady Gaga's new video. What does it all mean? Nothing? Is it nothing? Maybe not, says one commenter.
This video, like all of her videos, is an exercise in self referential & cultural referential absurdity. She's pointing out how absurd it is that people can't get along with an equally absurd video. On the surface it's a witty look at the sci-fi epics of the70's and 80's with a little bit of Fritz Lang's Metropolis thrown in for flavor. The whole video is meant to be as absurd and inane as possible. It's supposed to be a WTF, but when watched over and over you finally start to get to the underlying meaning of the imagery.
The intro is a direct pull from a certian supergaylen star's movie early movie LEGEND. Its almost a perfect mirroring of the title sequence of that movie . The birth of good & the birth of evil, the duality between the emissary of good – the unicorn and the emissary of evil – the beast. The beginning also draws from the movie The Dark Crystal with the split of the Skeksies & the battle for the planet.
From there we move to a uterus made of stars. I will say it again, uterus made of stars. Suddenly we have the negative zone from superman 2 with a dual headed deity living in some government owned section 9ed space. I mean for god sakes she has an eyeball on her chin.
Her mother monster looks draws from She-Ra on her throne in the Crystal Castle. And the Dark Mother Monster draws heavily from Metropolis, the bionoid, sitting atop the thunderbolt spires.
The unicorn is also presented against a backdrop in the style of Bladerunner, glittering cities so massive they take over the entire screen.The unicorn in Bladerunner being the representation of self doubt and insecurities about whom and what you are, and could be. Whom and what you are being the key message of the song.
Her outfit in the incubation change looks incredibly similar to the one Priss wears throughout the movie Bladerunner. Priss being the lost girl, the Madonna and the Whore; the innocent child lost to the city, who turns out to be a dire wolf in sheep's clothing.
Gaga herself makes it clear that the Dark Mother Monster & the ‘Resplendent' Mother Mother are two sides of the same coin – "How can you protect something so pure without something so evil", an echo to the chore voice of her song that one cannot know love without knowing hate.
The video, much like all Gaga's videos, is a many faceted exploration piece. There is only one thing that Gaga makes obvious in this video. It's obvious she isn't buying into the hype, but merely making a joke of it.
The only part I felt was genuine was the shout out to Madonna & MJ at the end of the video. The gap-tooth and the Moon walker dance complete with glowing white gloves and shoes with glittered trail.
And finally there is her obligatory Michael Jackson Moonwalker dancing down the dark alley with glitter.
Well OK then!
[Photo via Getty]