
Does This Grisly Dashcam Video Prove a Cop Murdered a Suspect?

Cord Jefferson · 09/24/13 02:15PM

A DeLand, Florida, police officer who was fired after running over and killing a fleeing suspect named Marlon Brown will not be charged with vehicular manslaughter. Brown's family hopes this video might somehow change that ruling.

'Ninja' Confronts Bike Thief, Gets Him to Repent

Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/23/13 02:01PM

While strolling through Manhattan's Upper West Side one warm summer's day, a concerned New Yorker spotted a bike thief casually removing the front tire off a delivery bike that belonged to a local Lenny's location, and then just as casually walking away.

Mentally Challenged Man Kicked, Punched for His New GTA V Game

Lacey Donohue · 09/19/13 10:03PM

Sigh. Rohan Dawkins, 21, of Delray Beach, Florida went to a GameStop store on Tuesday to pick up his copy of Grand Theft Auto V. Dawkins, who attends a special needs transitional program for adults during the week, had been saving money from his weekend job at Home Depot to purchase the game. Over the past several weeks, he’d been regularly stopping by the store to pay for it in $10 to $20 installments.

Attention, Young Criminals: Please Stop Bragging on Facebook

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/13 10:32AM

As social media influencers, we here at are, needless to say, widely revered by young urban gang members. It is to the that we offer this public service announcement: stop talking about all your crimes, on the internet. Okay?

Toothless Man Bites Neighbor’s Penis “Like a Sandwich”

Lacey Donohue · 09/16/13 10:14PM

Jason Martin, 41, has been found guilty at the Canterbury Crown Court in Kent, UK for biting the penis of his neighbor, Richard Henderson, 39, during an argument over loud Xbox music. Henderson apparently sent Martin a text asking him to turn down the music and the fight escalated in person when Martin, who only has one tooth, bit Henderson’s penis so hard it required stitches. A combination of a headlock and Henderson wearing pajamas made it all possible.

Cord Jefferson · 09/16/13 06:30PM

A middle-aged man—he looks like a stockbroker dressed for Hooters—was just arrested for throwing lit firecrackers onto the White House lawn. This is not generally advisable behavior, but it seems especially stupid after the day D.C.'s been having.

North Carolina Soldier and His Wife Arrested for Making Dog Porn

Lacey Donohue · 09/16/13 06:11PM

Ruben Chance James Fox and his wife, Amber Nicole Fox, both 23, were arrested Monday morning in Raeford, North Carolina and charged with multiple counts of crimes against nature involving bestiality, disseminating obscene materials, and conspiracy. Amber Fox was additionally charged with soliciting a crime against nature. Ruben Fox is a soldier with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg.

College Professor Stabbed to Death While Protecting Girlfriend

Lacey Donohue · 09/15/13 10:16PM

Troy Wolff, 46, a Shoreline Community College English professor and a resident of the Beacon Hill neighborhood in Seattle, died Saturday after being stabbed to death by a stranger. Wolff and his girlfriend Kristin Ito, 30, were walking home from a Seattle Sounders game Friday night around 10:30 p.m. when, according to officials, a man walked up, pulled out a small knife, and began to stab Ito repeatedly in the torso. According to the police report, Wolff “attempted to intervene and the suspect turned on him and began stabbing the male victim repeatedly in the neck and torso.”