Mentally Challenged Man Kicked, Punched for His New GTA V Game

Sigh. Rohan Dawkins, 21, of Delray Beach, Florida went to a GameStop store on Tuesday to pick up his copy of Grand Theft Auto V. Dawkins, who attends a special needs transitional program for adults during the week, had been saving money from his weekend job at Home Depot to purchase the game. Over the past several weeks, he’d been regularly stopping by the store to pay for it in $10 to $20 installments.
But when he finally walked out the store with the game, a married couple pulled up in a car and asked Dawkins for the time. The man then grabbed the game from Dawkins’ hand and got back into his car but Dawkins opened the car door trying to get it back. The women then began to kick and punch Dawkins before they drove off in the car with the game.
The couple, Tommy Davis, 27, and Adele Jones, 26, were identified from surveillance footage and arrested on Thursday, charged with strong-armed robbery and dealing in stolen property. But by the time they were arrested, they could not return the game to Dawkins as they had already sold it for $60.
Dawkins still doesn't have a copy of the game.