The arrest of an Arizona man early this month on suspicion of branding his name into the private parts of at least one former girlfriend has resulted in the same man's arrest earlier this week on bestiality charges.

Christopher Lynn Jackson of Chandler was picked up on Monday after Maricopa County Sheriff's Office detectives found multiple pornographic videos in his home featuring himself and two women performing "various sex acts" on his German Shepherd.

"If you saw the video, you’d be pretty sick," said Sheriff Joe Arpaio. "We weren’t expecting this."

The search warrant that led police to discover the disturbing footage stemmed from allegations that Jackson had branded his initials into his then-girlfriend's "vaginal area" and declared that "her vagina was his."

The victim claims Jackson, who owns a landscaping business called Lawn Tamers, "bragged" about having branded his name into the genitals of previous girlfriends as well.

In addition to Jackson, authorities in Maricopa County also arrested 61-year-old Josephine Erikson, one of the women believed to have participated in the "dog porn."

Meanwhile, Dirk, the German Shepherd, was taken from Jackson's home by detectives, and he is currently in their care.

[mug shots via ABC15]