
Cord Jefferson · 12/26/13 03:23PM

Paul Ciancia, the 23-year-old accused of killing a TSA agent and wounding three others in a rampage at LAX last month, pleaded not guilty to murder and other felony charges today. Ciancia faces the death penalty if convicted.

Cord Jefferson · 12/19/13 07:45PM

A Michigan judge ruled today that Theodore Wafer will stand trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter in the killing of Renisha McBride. After listening to two days of testimony, Judge David Turfe said Wafer made a poor choice by not pursuing nonviolent options: "He chose to shoot rather than not answer the door."

America Is Gradually Becoming Less Bloodthirsty

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/13 11:29AM

America's embrace of the death penalty makes us a gross anomaly in the developed world. The good news is that we seem to be growing less and less fond of it. The newest numbers are (relatively) encouraging.

Reddit Forum Encourages Users to Spam College With False Rape Reports

Adam Weinstein · 12/18/13 01:17PM

Self-styled "men's rights advocates" used their Reddit forum yesterday to organize a spam campaign against Occidental College's online sexual assault reporting system, possibly complicating the already-fraught reporting process for actual victims at the university.

Cord Jefferson · 12/17/13 12:23PM

A lawyer tried an experiment with the NYPD: How long would it take him, a white guy in a suit, to get arrested for tagging a government building in plain view of numerous cops? A long time, it turns out. He walked free for days before finally turning himself in. Justice.