Florida attorney Mark O'Mara is being investigated by the state bar for an undisclosed possible violation of ethical rules in connection with his defense of George Zimmerman. What could he have done wrong?

A spokeswoman for the Florida Bar confirmed to multiple media outlets that there was an open investigation against O'Mara but declined to offer additional details. A spokesman for O'Mara, who won Zimmerman an acquittal for the murder of Trayvon Martin, told NBC that the lawyer "is unable to comment" on the bar complaint.

Zimmerman, who has faced a divorce and several legal run-ins since the acquittal, has parted ways with O'Mara and is currently selling his "artwork" on eBay. That could help go to cover his reported $2.5 million in debt, most of which probably goes to O'Mara in legal fees.

So: What's O'Mara's alleged violation? Tipsters and conjecturers, lay some knowledge down in the comments.

[Photo credit: AP]