
Salvation Army Bell Ringer Assaulted for Saying 'Happy Holidays'

Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/17/13 10:05AM

It seems some of the Christian soldiers fighting for God in the Holy War on Christmas have decided to treat the ongoing faux-troversy like an actual war and assault those who dare to be a bit more inclusive in their holiday greetings.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/13 05:05PM

This is a captivating story, but do we really want to adopt as a standard of morality the idea that bystanders are obligated to jump in when they see someone being held up at gunpoint? Cause uh, I'm happy to call the cops for you, but...

Here's How the Local Cops Are Spying on Your Cellphones

Adam Weinstein · 12/09/13 12:40PM

Dozens of law enforcement agencies across 33 states are quietly using new technologies to dump phone records and fix thousands of individuals' locations, identities, and activities at a time, using existing cellphone towers and phony cellphone signals, according to a new investigative report.

"Porn Troll" Lawyer Can't Answer Email Because He's Mourning Mandela

Adam Weinstein · 12/06/13 01:44PM

A copyright-trolling attorney whose firm is in hot legal water for aggressively suing porn downloaders says he totally wants to respond to a reporter's tough questions, but he's too broken up right now by the death of South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela: