
Blagojevich Considered Picking Oprah for Senate

Jim Newell · 06/28/10 01:42PM

A taped conversation played during Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial reveals that he considered naming Oprah to the Senate. "Nobody would assail this pick," he said. "She's a kingmaker…she made Obama." Shoulda picked her! She would have called off the cops.

The Drug War Next Door

Jeff Neumann · 05/18/10 07:29AM

Almost 24,000 people have died in Mexico's drug war since 2006, nearly five times the number of US troop deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. An NPR investigation suggests that the Mexican government is helping one cartel rule Ciudad Juarez.

The TSA's Michael Bay-style Blogger Hunters: Privacy Rapists

Foster Kamer · 01/02/10 02:30PM

The TSA's looking not-so-great these days, seeing as how their uber-reactionary measures to security breaches could technically be classified as some "PT Barnum-level shit." So how do you think they react when bloggers leak their directives? Subpoenas and door-busting, naturally.