Rod Blagojevich, Retail Addict, Blows $400K on Clothes

Did you feel sorry for Rod Blagojevich, who just wanted to sell one measly U.S. Senate seat to pay his kids' college tuition and meet mortgage payments? Don't. He also blew $400,000 on clothes as Illinois governor.
This latest episode, from the neverending corruption trial in Chicago:
Jurors in the ex-governor's trial were shown credit card bill after credit card bill where Rod Blagojevich dropped hundreds of dollars at a time on ties at Saks Fifth Avenue and thousands of dollars on high-end, custom Oxxford suits, not to mention pricey Allen Edmonds footwear.
The grand total from 2002-2008: more than $400,000 on clothes.
Several thousand dollars was spent in November of 2003 on Maximilian Furs.
IRS agent Shari Schindler said she totaled up all the various expenditures from 2002 to 2008 and of the top 15 payees, four were clothing-related. That included more than $205,000 in spending at Tom James Clothing/Oxxford - a custom clothing, custom suit maker. It's the second biggest individual payee on the list, only below the family's mortgage company.
Saks Fifth Avenue, Geneva Custom Shirts and Neiman Marcus also make the top 15.
Well, yes, the talking moppet does dress sharply. What's the problem? Oh right, he went broke because of this.
Also, this is the best Blago wiretap release of the summer:
BLAGOJEVICH U.N. Ambassador. I'd take that.
BLAGOJEVICH You Russian motherfuckers. Can you see me? (Laughs) Alright, anyway, um, but those are not reachable.
The state of Illinois twice elected Rod Blagojevich to be their governor.
[Image via Getty]