
Even Police Chiefs Understand Mass Incarceration Is Bad

Andy Cush · 10/21/15 09:36AM

Plenty of people agree that America should stop throwing every last shoplifter or weed-smoker in jail. On the right they get to talk about reducing incarceration’s burden on taxpayers; on the left it’s a victory for civil rights. Now, even the country’s top law enforcement officials—those who you’d think would be driving mass incarceration in the first place—are getting in on the act.

7,000 People Were Detained at Homan Square, Chicago PD's Secretive "Black Site"

Andy Cush · 10/19/15 12:25PM

In February, the Guardian published a deep investigation into Homan Square, a shadowy facility where the Chicago Police Department takes suspects without booking them, entering them into any official database, or giving them access to a telephone or their lawyer. A new Guardian report claims that more than twice as many people have been “disappeared” into Homan as officials initially disclosed.

Video Shows Cop Chokeslamming a 14-Year-old Student

Ashley Feinberg · 10/10/15 09:49PM

A police officer in Round Rock, Texas grabbed a 14-year-old student by the throat and threw him to the ground on Thursday, as shown in a video that surfaced some time later that night.

NYPD Union Leaders Are Still Completely Out of Their Minds

Andy Cush · 10/09/15 10:21AM

Yesterday in front of the NYPD’s Civilian Complaint Review Board, a police captain pled guilty to pointing his gun at a pair of tweenage boys who were playing tag in their Bed Stuy street in 2013. He received just 30 days of lost vacation time for threatening deadly force against two innocent children. You might think he got off pretty easy. His union does not.

True Stories of Violent Cops From a New Report on NYPD Use of Force

Andy Cush · 10/01/15 04:43PM

A man pushed to the ground by a police officer because he was locked out of his apartment. A cop who punched someone in the face for riding his bike on the sidewalk, and another who pulled his gun on a man for filming him. These are a few of the horror stories contained within a new report on NYPD use of force.

NYPD to Ask Officers to Meticulously Report Every Beatdown Doled Out

Andy Cush · 10/01/15 11:40AM

Next time you have your ass handed to you by a member of New York’s finest—be it a hotheaded rookie who plays by his own rules or a grizzled veteran who’s too old for this shit—you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the officer is under strict orders to carefully report every aspect of the smackdown. Will he actually do so accurately? That’s a good question.