
Listen To People Read You Legislation

Pareene · 11/18/09 05:15PM

Supposedly it is voice actors. "Working voice actors," with "busy lives." But we definitely heard a guy with a non-Plains State regional accent. That's no working voice actor!

2010 Preview: GOP to Be Teabagged

Pareene · 11/09/09 03:43PM

It's basically a given that the president's party will lose seats after his first midterm (except when 9/11 happens). So let's not get our hopes up. But Republicans really wanna try to prove that bit of conventional wisdom wrong.

Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?

Pareene · 09/21/09 05:02PM

There are many perils to life in Congress: the humidity, town halls yelling... But worst must be when screw-loose ex-staffers go over to the opposition and accuse you of betraying your country to Turkey while having a lesbian affair.

Today In Good Faith Negotiations

Pareene · 08/19/09 09:05AM

Republicans will not support a "co-op" compromise. Republicans will not support health care reform that does anything. So let's all make sure to keep them involved in the process! [TWI]

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

cityfile · 08/10/09 01:23PM

Not only have House lawmakers proposed blowing half a billion dollars of taxpayer money on eight new jets to ferry them around the world—the same taxpayer money that auto companies and banks were scolded for spending on their own corporate jets a few months ago, of course—now it turns out that the government is probably significantly overpaying for the planes, too. [WSJ]