
'Dollar Bill' Goes Down

The Cajun Boy · 08/05/09 06:52PM

Four years after FBI agents raided his home and discovered $90,000 in his freezer, former nine term New Orleans-area congressman William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson has been found guilty of corruption. He faces up to 115 years in prison. [Times-Picayune]

Please God End Those TV Drug Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/09 01:24PM

The New York Times counts four different legislators trying to attack the epidemic of 'Viva Viagra!' ads from different angles: they violate decency standards, they promote dangerous overuse of risky drugs, they're a poor use of the tax code. Which is fucking true, come on:

GOP Making Most of Minority Status

Pareene · 07/27/09 01:02PM

Delay tactics and procedural shenanigans by the minority party are generally harmless and often entertaining traditions in the House of Representatives, but guess which party is way better at them?

Birthers Displeased With Reasonable Republican

Pareene · 07/21/09 09:22AM

See, this lady says Barack Obama is "a citizen of Kenya," and wants to know what her Representative plans to do about the fact that a Kenyan has become the president. So Castle says: "Well I don't know what comment that invites. If you're referring to the president, then he is a citizen of the United States."

Senators Would Not Shut Up About 'Balls and Strikes'

Pareene · 07/13/09 02:49PM

Back in 2005, John Roberts said his job as a justice was "to call balls and strikes," like in baseball. This was the most insidious statement ever uttered by a SCOTUS nominee, as today's Sotomayor hearing showed.