
Is This the End of the World?

Richard Lawson · 01/05/11 04:15PM

The new year has arrived and it is awful, what with bird/fish/crab death, floods, freezing temperatures, and zombie ex-Vice Presidents. So let's just put it all out there and list the reasons why this is already the worst year ever.

Republican Freshmen Throwing Huge Kegger Tonight

Jim Newell · 01/04/11 12:45PM

It is, sadly, the final day of orientation for freshmen congressional Republicans. Boo! Hopefully they all got laid at least once. But if not, tonight's the night, because the freshmen are throwing the most lavish kegger of all, for themselves.

How the GOP Will Try to Curb Obama's Executive Power

Jim Newell · 12/27/10 03:10PM

Republicans will only control one chamber of Congress next year, giving them little means of dismantling the "Obama Agenda." But after wading through Congress' history of old rules, they may have discovered a way to stifle the executive branch's power.

Will Democrats Gut the Filibuster?

Jim Newell · 12/23/10 01:37PM

The Senate: It actually functioned in the past week! But that was only after election pressure on moderate Republicans died down. Endless Republican obstruction will continue next year, more painfully. Will Democrats dare to change the "sacrosanct" Senate rules?

There Are 308,745,538 People in America

Jim Newell · 12/21/10 12:54PM

The first major findings from the 2010 census are in, and America has a population of 308,745,538, give or take a few. That's a 9.7% increase over the last decade. What else does the data tell us?

Senate Repeals 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Jeff Neumann · 12/18/10 03:48PM

The Senate today repealed the US military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of barring openly gay servicemembers from the armed forces by a vote of 65 to 31. President Obama only needs to sign it. [TPM]

Senate Republicans Suck

Jim Newell · 12/17/10 06:01PM

It was Sen. Bob Corker's turn to take hostages today with this latest "threat": If Democrats bring the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" repeal and DREAM Act to votes tomorrow, as expected, then Republicans may kill the START treaty. Huh?

How Will Americans Spend the Obama Tax Cuts?

Max Read · 12/17/10 11:48AM

The House of Representatives just approved the $858 billion tax package brokered between Republicans and President Obama! How will Americans in the lowest, highest, and median income brackets be spending that money? We break it down in a handy chart.

The Good News and the Bad News from Washington

Max Read · 12/17/10 04:10AM

A lot happened in Washington, D.C. on Thursday night! In the House, representatives passed President Obama's huge tax package, while in the Senate, Republicans embarrassed Democrats, again. Let's take a look at the fortunate and the unfortunate: