
Terrified Congressmen Learn How to Protect Themselves

Jim Newell · 01/13/11 05:37PM

Congressional security sent a memo to all House members today outlining a three-step response guide for encounters with gunmen: "run, hide, and if all else fails, attack," as Politico summarizes. Why does the fun response have to be last?

John Boehner Isn't That Evil

Jim Newell · 01/13/11 02:21PM

Where was Speaker John Boehner last night? He wasn't at the president's memorial service in Tucson. And breathless reports are claiming he wanted to hobnob at an RNC cocktail party instead. That monster! But maybe there's more to it.

Arizona Shooting: The Latest News

Jim Newell · 01/10/11 05:32PM

It's been two days since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and more than a dozen others were shot in Arizona by Jared Lee Loughner. Here's a round-up of some of the news that's come out on the first workday since the incident.

Photo Surfaces of Republican Congresswoman Getting Her Breast Licked

Remy Stern · 01/07/11 07:32PM

Here is what Washington D.C. will look like all the time once the Facebook generation gets there. A four-year-old photo has emerged showing Republican Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack in a sexy pose with a female campaign donor licking her breast.

The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List

Jim Newell · 01/07/11 03:32PM

There are so many new members of Congress this year — and some of them are even attractive, by Washington standards! We've studied them all and plucked only the "sexiest." And your Gawker editors have scored them, to boot.

Jon Stewart Chronicles the Evolution of John McCain's Angry Insanity

Matt Cherette · 01/05/11 11:27PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the 108th Congress. Specifically, Stewart lambasted curmudgeonly bigot John McCain for his increasingly angry, insane rhetoric. Then, Stewart fought with a puppet version of McCain. The entertaining bit, inside.

Members of Congress Can Now Play Cellphone Games While 'Working'

Jim Newell · 01/05/11 06:58PM

House Republicans have declared victory in the historic battle for Electronic Freedom! They've changed the rules to allow members to use electronic devices in the House chamber — as long as it doesn't "impair decorum," which it probably will.