There Are 308,745,538 People in America

The first major findings from the 2010 census are in, and America has a population of 308,745,538, give or take a few. That's a 9.7% increase over the last decade. What else does the data tell us?
For one thing, Democrats are screwed.
The census data is used to reapportion congressional seats among the states every decade, and the trends are predictable — losses from older, Northern industrial states, gains in the Sun Belt.
The biggest gainer, as expected, was the state of Texas, which will have four new House seats. The only other state netting more than one additional seat is Florida, which was awarded two new seats Tuesday.
The biggest losers this round are the presidential battleground state of Ohio and heavily Democratic New York — both states will lose two seats.
Another eight states lose one seat — Illinois, New Jersey, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Missouri and Massachusetts.
Six states are gaining just a single seat — Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, South Carolina, Utah and Washington state.
So several solid or lean-Democratic states will cede seats to their Republican opposites. And since Republicans destroyed Democrats in state government elections this year (picking up control of 19 legislatures), they'll redraw congressional maps in Republicans' favor for the next decade. Freedom, my friends, in back on the march.
Lastly, this is an important math equation about America from 2000 to 2010: 9.7% population growth + 0% job growth = problems.
[Image via AP]