
What Is the Point of Thomas Friedman?

Jim Newell · 08/10/11 02:49PM

There is much glee on the ethereal plane high above the Bethesda clouds from which New York Times columnist Tom Friedman writes his column today. We're treated to his latest venture into despondent centrist wet-dream fanfic, in which the Mustache of Understanding imagines a world where political parties don't have bases, but still manage to dig deep, treat each other politely, and deal with false problems in bad ways through their own sheer purity of will.

Man With Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

Lauri Apple · 08/07/11 08:24PM

Every year 2,100 American men are diagnosed with breast cancer, which obviously means that breast cancer is not a "woman's disease." Yet the federal government still treats it as such, as Raymond Johnson—an official Man With Breast Cancer—can tell you.

Jon Stewart Blasts 'Spoiled Children' in Congress for Underwhelming Debt Deal

Matt Cherette · 08/03/11 10:25PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart briefly celebrated the fact that, despite the fight it took to get there, Congress finally reached a deal to raise the nation's debt ceiling. But then Stewart noted just how little the deal will actually reduce the deficit, at which point he gave the "spoiled children" in Congress a piece of his mind.

More Crucial Congressional Business Today: Football Sign-Up

Jim Newell · 07/29/11 10:38AM

At some point, maybe Speaker John Boehner will become good at his job and round up enough House Republicans to pass his go-nowhere debt ceiling bill. Maybe. Because Congress has other, much more important business to attend to this afternoon, like signing up for a football game.

Congress Could Learn Something from Parks & Recreation's Ron Swanson

Conor Hastings · 07/29/11 02:15AM

On Tuesday night, congressional Republicans were moved by a scene in the bank robber movie The Town to unite behind a single plan to solve the nation's debt ceiling crisis before next week's deadline. So long as they're turning to pop culture for inspiration, allow us to suggest that up next they consider some of the anti-big government statements of Parks & Recreation character Ron Swanson. A clip of Swanson's greatest bits of political wisdom is above.

Jon Stewart on 9/11 Health Care Bill: 'How Did We Not Include Cancer?'

Matt Cherette · 07/28/11 10:45PM

On Tuesday, federal officials concluded that there wasn't enough evidence to link cases of cancer in 9/11 first responders to the duties they performed at Ground Zero. Consequently, the bill providing health care to the responders will not include coverage for cancer treatments. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart, who has long advocated for the bill's passage, made no secret of his anger over the news. Video of Stewart's segment is above.

How To Make Capitol Hill's Annual 'Most Beautiful' List

Jim Newell · 07/27/11 03:14PM

The world is quickly tumbling further into hell, thanks entirely to a crisis of Washington's own making, but Capitol Hill is celebrating its favorite holiday of the year today: the release day of The Hill's annual "50 Most Beautiful" list!

Jon Stewart to President Obama: 'It's Like You've Given Up'

Matt Cherette · 07/26/11 10:44PM

One day after lambasting Congress for letting partisan interests get in the way of solving the debate over raising the nation's debt ceiling, Jon Stewart opened tonight's Daily Show with an equally critical take on President Obama's address to the nation yesterday. Video of the segment, during which Stewart took particular issue with Obama's suggestion that the American people take matters into their own hands to solve the crisis, is above.

Furry Congressman David Wu Resigns

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 11:44AM

Oregon Rep. David Wu, a tigersuit-clad furry sex monster, apparently won't sit out the rest of his House term before resigning. He's issued a statement announcing his imminent resignation — just as soon as the debt ceiling debacle draws to a close, which it never will.

Obama Incites Masses into Destroying Congressional Phone System

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 11:23AM

At the end of last night's fluffy-duffy speech to the public about the debt ceiling, President Obama urged everyone to call their representatives to request his "balanced" approach to deficit reduction, which apparently means $3 trillion dollars in spending cuts along with zero dollars in new tax revenue. What the hell was he talking about? Who cares! Because people too his cue, and are now breaking the phone system.