
Tiger Suit Congressman Could Face Ethics Probe

Jeff Neumann · 07/25/11 04:23AM

Oregon Congressman David Wu, of fuzzy tiger suit fame, was recently accused of "aggressive and unwanted sexual behavior" by a young woman. Yesterday one of his advisors told Politico, "He isn't going to be running for reelection," but added that Wu will not resign because he didn't do anything wrong. Nancy Pelosi said in a statement that she wants the House Ethics Committee to open an investigation into the latest claim against Wu. Watch out for the Ethics Committee, Wu — they're tough.

The Anti-Climactic Debt Ceiling Endgame Is Coming Into Focus

Jim Newell · 07/18/11 11:29AM

What will be the final budget-cuttin' number Congress agrees on before raising the debt ceiling, assuming they don't go with "the apocalypse option" instead? Two trillion? Four trillion? Nine trillion bajillion dollars? Let's go with "zero trillion but something that lets Republicans pretend to look tough anyway" as the probable end to this farce of a government negotiating process.

Did Republicans Just Give Away the Debt Ceiling Fight?

Jim Newell · 07/12/11 03:52PM

There's been what appears to be a seismic shift in ye olde debt ceiling developments this afternoon, thanks to the Senate's in-house turtle, Mitch McConnell. We're still waiting to hear the "catch," since Mitch McConnell is a brilliant, mischievous sociopath who ruined much of Obama's first two years in office. But he's released a new proposal this afternoon that looks a lot like, well, caving with a lame attempt to save face.

Ron Paul Is Retiring From Congress

Jim Newell · 07/12/11 12:44PM

Texas congressman, libertaria agitator, and Internet deity Ron Paul has decided to wrap up his 12-term legacy of automatic "no" votes to every single bill. He will not run for his House seat in the next election. Good for him! If he stayed around much longer, he'd run the risk of becoming a bitter old crank.

Obama Nixes the 'Let's Just Call the Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional' Option

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 04:45PM

Prominent legal scholars, along with many bloggers with no legal training whatsoever, recently have been floating the possibility that if a deal isn't struck to raise the federal debt ceiling before Treasury's August 2 deadline, then the Obama administration should use a clause in the 14th Amendment to declare the debt ceiling itself unconstitutional and continue to issue debt as usual. An interesting idea! But the Obama administration now appears to have taken this "constitutional option" off the table.

Paul Ryan and the $350 Bottles of Wine

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 03:05PM

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), a leading advocate of shrinking entitlement spending and the architect of the plan to privatize Medicare, spent Wednesday evening sipping $350 wine with two like-minded conservative economists at the swanky Capitol Hill eatery Bistro Bis.

Obama's Big Press Conference: Jets, Debts, and Gays

Jim Newell · 06/29/11 03:04PM

President Obama held a press conference at the White House today! The questions came fast and furious — actually rather slowly, since he talks for 10 minutes at a time — and now all Americans are 100% informed about every issue. Here's an executive summary.

Obama's War in Libya Facing a Big Congressional Slap

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 11:09AM

The House of Representatives will actually hold two votes today on war funding. This is quite something: One vote to defund military action in Libya, another to authorize it for a year. Finally, many months after the Obama administration went into another MENA country with little-to-no strategy, we're having something akin to a congressional authorization process. This is healthy.

Anybody Got a Camera for Anthony Weiner?

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 12:01PM

The staff for resigning Rep. Anthony Weiner are feeling awfully sentimental today as they clean out the office. Wouldn't you? I mean you'd be losing your job, for Christ's sake — and there are literally no other jobs available in America!

Obama: If I Were Weiner, I'd Resign

Max Read · 06/13/11 05:18PM

What would President Obama do if he was caught sending pictures of his erect penis to women he met on the internet? "I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign," he told NBC's Ann Curry.

Cops Probe Teen's Contact with Weiner, Come Upon Nothing

Max Read · 06/11/11 08:44AM

Avid Weiner-watchers in the press jumped on a Friday evening report that police in New Castle, Del. were investigating the online communication between Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - N.Y.) and a 17-year-old high school junior.