
Comment of the Day: Thou Shalt Not Masturbate

Leah Beckmann · 11/16/11 06:30PM

Today we learned that some teachers get away with murder. Or at the very least, masturbation. And the fact that this teacher was teaching at a Christian school? Fuggedabouit! It's the perfect crime. One commenter at least, was paying attention during his Sunday school lessons and was able to make a nice little Biblical reference.

Comment of the Day: Occupy Wall Street Contracts the Pox

Leah Beckmann · 11/11/11 07:45PM

Today we learned that Occupy Wall Street is one collective petri dish. Whether it's the flu or tuberculosis, there's no denying that protesters in both New York and Atlanta are coming down with something gross. While cold temperatures and disgusting living conditions are probably to blame, one commenter smells a rat. Or rather, a Fox!

This Week in Commenter Executions: Going to Prison

Brian Moylan · 11/11/11 05:50PM

There are many awful things that should await criminals: years in jail, solitary confinement, public humiliation, possibly execution (if you believe in that kind of thing), and rotting for eternity in hell (if you believe that kind of thing). But there is one that I'm sick of hearing about: prison rape.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 2

MisterHippity · 11/09/11 09:00PM

You know what's more awesome than rabbit orgies? Commenting orgies—like the one we hold here each week when we watch Top Chef and live-blog it together! Our next bacchanal of banter is about to begin, so join us!

God Is Here to Answer Your Questions

Brian Moylan · 11/08/11 11:45AM

Have you ever suffered some tragedy and screamed out loud, "Why, God? Why?" Finally you'll get a chance to ask him in person, or at least over the internet. And he'll answer! The Almighty himself will be here in the comments of this post, taking your questions.

Comment of the Day: The Lesser of Two Evils Is Not Lesser

Leah Beckmann · 11/04/11 06:36PM

Today we learned that Texas Rep. Larry Taylor is no friend of the Jews. While it is definitely not okay for anyone, let alone a public figure with a moderate amount of power to be making these kind of comments, at least good ol' Lar realized his mistake and feigned some backpedaling. This was not the case for one commenter and a very educated co-worker.

This Week in Commenter Executions: Who Is It Gonna Be?

Brian Moylan · 11/04/11 05:05PM

We didn't execute any commenters last week. (Sorry, I was out of the office.) But that's the thing about the banhammer: You never know where or when it's going to drop. Who will get it this week?

Comment of the Day: Ryan Seacrest's All-Stud Cast

Leah Beckmann · 11/03/11 06:15PM

Today we were saddened by the news that Hollywood's days are numbered. Ryan Seacrest, a renowned lover of vaginas the world over, is in talks to produce a film. The entertainment industry is simply not built for such a horror show and Hollywood will burn straight to the ground. But what will Hollywood's last flick be about? And who will star in it? One commenter has seen a spec script.

Live Blogging Top Chef, The Season Premiere

MisterHippity · 11/02/11 07:00PM

What's hotter than a habenero pepper stuffed with chopped jalapeño? The hot time Gawker commenters have live-blogging Top Chef together! A new Texas-themed season kicks off tonight, so why not saddle up and join us in the comments?

Comment of the Day: All Adorkable Things Must End

Leah Beckmann · 11/01/11 08:15PM

Today we learned of some unfortunate news: Ben Gibbard and Zooey Deschanel, football fanatics and King and Queen of the college Greek system, have parted ways. But how does a two-year marriage between two such quirky creatures come to an end? One commenter was there when the split happened.

The Best Halloween Costumes of 2011

Brian Moylan · 11/01/11 04:43PM

We asked for pictures of your Halloween costumes and boy did you guys deliver. Sure, there were a few silly entries (like "dead Steve Jobs"), but many of them were outstanding. And yet there can only be one winner!

Google Can Now See Your Embarrassing Facebook Comments

Ryan Tate · 11/01/11 12:22PM

Think hard, because this is important: Have you ever called anyone a moronic sack of monkey pus in a Facebook-powered web comment? Because Google has just begun indexing those comments for the first time. In other words, your troll resumé just merged with your Google persona. How exciting.

Comment of the Day: Rick Perry Has a Dream

Leah Beckmann · 10/31/11 06:28PM

Today we learned that the shock of hair that is Rick Perry is "a doer, not a talker"! Ah, the power and resonance of that phrase. It is only a matter of time before those immortal words wind up etched into the side of the McDonald's by your house. But what, we wonder, is it like to watch a genius at work? One commenter was privy to Rick's process.