
Live Blogging Project Runway All Stars, Week 7

MisterHippity · 02/16/12 08:00PM

New York Fashion Week may have ended today, but that doesn't mean you can't attend an exciting fashion event tonight—and you don't need to be in New York, or even leave the house. All you have to do is join our group live blog of tonight's episode of Project Runway in the comments section under this post. Everybody who's anybody will be there … meaning, um, anybody can come.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 15

MisterHippity · 02/15/12 09:00PM

Tonight's geographically disorienting episode of Top Chef: Texas takes place in Canada. Don't ask me why—maybe they should have called this season Top Chef: TexaCanada? At any rate, during our group live blog of the show in the comments, we can all try to acclimatize to this frigid new locale together. Join us!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 14

MisterHippity · 02/08/12 09:00PM

On tonight's not-yet-final episode Top Chef, the Final Four chefs will become the Final Five chefs. But then that Final Five will become a Final Four again—and this final Final Four may be different group of four than the first Final Four. Sound confusing? Well, join our group chat in the comments, and we can all try to figure it out together!

Here Are Your Most Embarrassing Bar Mitzvah Photos

Leah Beckmann · 02/03/12 04:00PM

I asked you to immortalize your most embarrassing Bar Mitzvah photos by submitting them to this contest, and the results are in. On a side note: When my Dad saw the original post he was upset because he did not like that I was joking about my special day. Let it be known that I was not making fun of my Bat Mitzvah, or the Mitzvah tradition in general. I was celebrating what is truly a very special day in the lives of Hebe boys and girls- Men and Women- everywhere.

Live-Blogging Project Runway All Stars, Week 5

MisterHippity · 02/02/12 08:00PM

Tonight's episode of Project Runway will feature random New Yorkers stripping down to their underwear in a park. And thanks to our commenter live blog, you can watch and comment on all the action while stripped down to your own underwear, in the privacy of your living room! How meta is that?

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 13

MisterHippity · 02/01/12 09:00PM

Who says you have to leave your living room to have a big adventure? Pee-wee Herman is on Top Chef tonight, and we're live-blogging the show in the comments. Join us!

Live Blogging Project Runway All-Stars, Week 4

MisterHippity · 01/26/12 08:00PM

If a comment is uttered while Project Runway is on TV, and nobody is there to hear it, does it exist? There answer is no! And what good are nonexistent comments? So share your comments with us, and make them real! We're all live-blogging tonight's episode, and you're invited.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 12

MisterHippity · 01/25/12 09:00PM

Ready to partake in a unique pop-cultural pastime? Then join us as we live-blog Top Chef in the comments section under this post. It's a rich and effervescent experience—not unlike eating a foie gras lollipop dusted with Pop Rocks.

Send in Your Stories About the World's Worst Roommate

Brian Moylan · 01/25/12 10:47AM

Anyone who has has had the misfortune of not being able to live alone has one: a story about a really wretched roommate. I'm not just talking about the one who forgets to take out the trash or uses the last square of toilet paper and makes you waddle, dirty-assed, across the bathroom for a new roll. No, I'm talking about the real psychos. Share your best crazy roommate story and win a prize!

Live-Blogging Top Chef, Week 11

MisterHippity · 01/18/12 09:00PM

How are your New Year's resolutions doing so far? That bad, huh? Well, I suggest you make a new resolution that's easy to keep: Promise to join us down in the comments as we all live-blog Top Chef here every Wednesday night. No dieting or exercise is required!

Live Blogging the 2012 Golden Globes

Brian Moylan · 01/15/12 07:00PM

Oh my gosh, what is Ricky Gervais going to do? Which celebrities are going to get drunk? Which awful actors will the Hollywood Foreign Press Association award tonight? Yes, it's Golden Globes nights. Please join us in witnessing all these atrocities and making mean jokes about them.

Live Blogging Project Runway All Stars, Week 2

MisterHippity · 01/12/12 08:00PM

Think you've got what it takes to be a live-blogging star? Then you should join the stellar bunch of commenters who gather here each week to live-blog Project Runway All-Stars. All you need is a little wit and perspicacity, a Gawker commenting account, and a dream.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 10

MisterHippity · 01/11/12 09:00PM

Had a bad hump day? Well, you can still have a fun hump night! All you have to do join us in the comments as we live blog Top Chef! Tonight's episode features "restaurant wars"—and what, besides actual humping, could be more fun than that?