Tonight's episode of Project Runway will feature random New Yorkers stripping down to their underwear in a park. And thanks to our commenter live blog, you can watch and comment on all the action while stripped down to your own underwear, in the privacy of your living room! How meta is that?

Of course, you don't have to live-blog the show in your skivvies if you don't want to. You can wear anything from a tuxedo to a tutu, because there's no dress code for this chat party of ours. The only rules are that you have to: (1) watch the show, which airs on Lifetime at 9 Eastern, and (2) post quips and observations about it in the comments section below this post. In the process, you may also drink, smoke or swallow any tasty or mind-altering substance of your choosing—but be careful with hot ashes or liquids if you're naked! Just a helpful hint.

During last week's live blog, many possibly (but probably not) naked commenters made many memorable comments. Here's a sample:

  • bread_and_potatoes: Cantaloupe sounds disgusting as a gelato flavor. Or an ice cream flavor. Or a flavor for anything other than cantaloupe.
  • BabyJane: "Cantaloupe Gelato" is going to be my stage name.
  • Sparkyll: I hope Kenley made a 1940s-inspired colorful print dress with a Peter Pan collar and a swingy skirt. Do you think there's any chance of that at all?
  • just.a.smore: The whales may need help, Drew Barrymore, but not as badly as your hair.
  • GoOnWithoutMe: I think I just saw them pull the string on Not-Heidi's back before she said, "So we have a winner."

And there were lots more where those came from—including another dozen or so I've collected in a separate highlights post, so be sure to check that out when you get a chance. And here's a sampling of highlights to watch for as we live-blog tonight's episode:

  • The above-mentioned public disrobing will be caused by the challenge theme, which will be to find a "find a muse to inspire a fashion-forward look" and "convince that muse to give up their clothes." At least one person who obliged this request on-camera just happened to be a hot-looking dude, which I'm sure is a total coincidence and wasn't set up at all.
  • Back in the sewing room, some designers will start to grumble about the bitchiness of Joanna Coles. Who could have guessed that Coles would have problems replacing Tim Gunn in a mentoring role, given her naturally warm and nurturing personality? Color me shocked!
  • Tonight's guest judge is Sean Avery, a pro hockey player who recently revealed an interest in women's fashion and spent a summer interning at Vogue. He's also notorious for having once used the term "sloppy seconds" in a discussion with reporters about how his ex-girlfriend, Elisha Cuthbert, was dating another NHL player. With a misogynistic attitude like that, I'm sure Sean will fit right into the fashion world!

OK gang, it's nearly 9 pm, so I'm gonna go put on my Underdog costume and then join you all down in the comments. It's hip hip hip and away I go!